Chapter 16

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Luke's tongue slid into my mouth as I re-positioned myself on his lap. His hands roamed up and down my back and my sides, never resting in a certain spot. "Ellie, I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this." He said as he kissed down my neck. I rested my hands on his forearms. "This is so great. You're so great."

We were in his game room, on the couch. Five minutes ago everything was normal, we were watching TV. Psych went on a commercial break and the next thing I knew Luke and I were making out. We had never kissed like this before. Usually when we did I would stop before his hands reached the small of my back. But now I didn't care. I didn't care where his hands were or what they were doing. 

He reached up under my shirt and played with the clasp of my bra. He had found his way back to my lips and soon moved down my neck again. I tilted my head back, letting him lightly suck on the skin of my neck.

"Luke I think I-"

I jolted up out of bed, looking around the darkness of my room. I looked at my phone which was sitting on my nightstand. It was three in the morning. I didn't have to be up at any specific time, seeing as it was Saturday. Luke said he wanted to hang out today.


After I had awoken due to my dream about Luke, I stayed up for about another hour then went back to sleep, after I heard my dad walking down the stairs. Luckily I didn't have a reoccurring dream.

When I woke up at nine, the house seemed very quiet. My parents never told me if they were going anywhere or not, so I put on socks and investigated.

I checked their room, which was empty. Next I walked by the bathroom, empty. I walked down the stairs, looking at the kitchen. There was a new note on the fridge. I peeled it off and read my mom's handwriting.

Had to take Dad's car to the shop. Be back sometime in the afternoon.
Love you, Mom.

"So I guess you have some time on your hands." I jumper at the sound of an Australian voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Luke's blue eyes looking down at me.

"What the hell?" I took a step back, bumping into the fridge. I looked down and realized what I was wearing. I didn't put much thought into what I wore to bed, and last night I had picked out a t-shirt from my dad's high school and spandex shorts. Since the shirt was my dad's it was a little big on me, not enough to completely cover my shorts. "How did you get in my house? Why are you in my house?"

"I was going to knock, have someone answer the door,"


"But I saw no car, the door was open and I let myself in." He was still in front of me. Now he had one hand on the fridge, leaning up against it while I stood there. "I waited for you to wake up. Don't worry, I didn't go in your room or anything."

"You still haven't answered my second question." I looked down, ignoring his eye contact. The thought of last nights dream was still running through my head.

"Oh right. I came here to see you, well to take you somewhere." He smirked, taking my hand in his.

"Luke I'm not dressed." I reminded him, pointing to my attire. "Where are we going?"

He let go of my hand. "Go get changed. I'm not going to tell you where we're going, but I can say it's not fancy." I nodded and went upstairs to change.

A couple minutes later I came back to Luke patiently waiting at the kitchen table. He took his attention off his phone and looked at me. He placed his phone down on the table, staring at me. His mouth formed an O as I waved him to hurry up. I didn't know what he found so fascinating. I had put on a white off the shoulder blouse and a pair of light blue jeans. We walked next door to his house.

He opened the door and led me up the stairs to his game room. I looked out the window and saw my room. It was weird seeing it from his house. "Why are we here?"

"I wanted to give you something." He went over to the other side of the room where there was a bookshelf by the door. He came back and placed a book on my hand.

"Luke I've read Harry Potter." I smiled, looking down at the book.

"Sure you have. But have you read my favorite book?" He took the book back and sat down on the couch.  He sat down in a spot that was slightly worn from the many times he's sat there. I sat next to him on the leather couch.

"Harry Potter is your favorite book?" I didn't take Luke for a reader at all. I didn't think he would have time, or think it was cool, to sit down and read a whole series of thick books. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"Just read it when you get home, okay?" He put the book on the ground. He got closer to me, making the gap between us smaller. 

"So this is where you spend most of your time?" I broke the silence. The room was painted a dark green with some band posters on the walls, some movie posters.  The flat screen TV was in the corner, across from the window. There were a couple chairs, a bookshelf and a coffee table. His guitar sat in the corner next to an amplifier. I never noticed that Luke didn't put blinds or curtains on his window. 

"Do you want to watch TV?" He asked. I nodded and smiled in response. He turned on the TV and Psych appeared on the screen. I felt like I was living in my dream from last night. I tensed up as I felt Luke get even closer and put his arm around me. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my change. 

"I have to go." I picked the book up off the floor and left without another word. It was too weird for me to sit there and have déjà vu. It felt weird having a dream like that about Luke. I never used to think of him in that way and now I was. It was uncomfortable for me. 

I thought about all of this on my way out of his house and over to mine. When I got home my parents were still gone. I ran up to my room and shut the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and opened up the book he gave me. When I held it up a tiny piece of paper fell out, landing on the ground. I picked it up and read the numbers that were scribbled on it. I looked up and saw that the lights in Luke's room were off. 

I flipped over the piece of paper and read what was on the back of it. 

Here's my number because I figured you would want it. Call me whenever. 



ok so comment nd vote and this was kinda fun to write bc things are going to get better between them and things are going to be said and I can't say a lot 


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