Chapter 15

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Michael wasn't at school today, yet again. I had somehow managed to make it through half of the day alone. Calum and Ashton were ignoring me and Luke wasn't here either. It was time for my second study hall of the day. I saw no reason to sit in the same room as Calum and Ashton for forty five minutes. I sat against the lockers, digging through my backpack to find my book. I scrunched my nose when I found that it wasn't there. I grabbed my backpack and headed to my locker.

It seemed like I had to walk a mile to get to my locker, when it was really only 4 classrooms away. I saw a familiar body sitting on the floor when I arrived. He was looking down and biting his nails as he tried to concentrate on the book in front of his face. I cleared my throat, letting him know I was standing next to him. "Ellie!" Luke's blue eyes gazed up at mine. "I'm glad you're here, I've been waiting for you."

"What are you doing here, Luke?" I questioned him as I slid down next to him. "Why show up now if you've already missed the first half. Plus eleven thirty counts as a full school day." I reminded him of the last part. He laughed, giving off the terrible smell of beer. "God, Luke. You're at school now, not your back porch." It didn't seem to surprise me that he we show up to school while he was still drunk. I don't think anything Luke Hemmings did could surprise me.

"Look what I'm doing." He held up the book that he was looking at before. It was my copy of The Great Gatsby. Two days ago, also the day after I told Luke that he wasn't half bad, he insisted on reading The Great Gatsby. After we had argued for twenty minutes over the fact that he wouldn't enjoy it. I gave it to him eventually. "I'm doing it for you, you know."

"Wait a second," it hit me, "Luke did you drive here?"

He nodded rapidly. "Even parked here. Want to know why?" I nodded, going along with whatever was going on. "Because I don't fucking care what they think." He slurred, pointing down the hallway to the principle's office. 

"Luke you need to go home. You can't stay here. Let me take you home." I offered. I was mad at him for making such a stupid decision, but I didn't want to fight with him.

"No." He said firmly. "I'll walk home." He patted my knee with his hand. "You should stay here. Plus you should talk to your friends. You don't want to hang out with me, not now." 

"That's it," I stood up and held out my hand, "I'm taking you home. Give me your keys." He looked at me with a confused look. "You don't know where they are, do you?" He scrunched his nose. "You are unbelievable." I grabbed him by the hands and pulled him off the ground.

"You're great, Ellie." He smiled, bumping into me.

"Thank you." I continued looking straight ahead.

"Really, you are. But you remind me of someone." He drifted off in his words, trying to think of the person. "Hey I have an idea." He proclaimed. Luke was a chatty drunk.

"What is it?"

"You don't have to come back after you drop me off. I mean there would be no way for you to get back." He got closer to me, brushing his hands against mine. "Plus I'm drunk." I agreed and an instant smile appeard on his face.

We found Luke's keys in his car, where he left them in the backseat. I grabbed the keys and slid into the drivers seat. I had to pull the seat forward considering how much taller Luke is than me. Luke giggled the entire drive to his house. I asked him what he was laughing at multiple times but he kept laughing.

"Here we are. Home sweet home." I announced as I opened the door to Luke's home. I wasn't sure what we could do, considering he was drunk and I had never spent any time here. He made his way into the living room and collapsed on the couch. He patted the empty seat next to him, wanting me to accompany him. I sat down, gladly. 

"I have a surprise for you." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a book. It was my book. "When I got to your locker, I guess you didn't close it all of the way. I was going to shut it and I saw your book. I figured you needed it.

"Thanks, Luke." I smiled and took my book out of his hands.

"I'm pretty tired, do you mind if I take a nap or something?" I shook my head and he sprawled out across the rest of the couch. I didn't mind that he wanted to sleep, I could read while he did, which was fine with me.


I wasn't drunk. Sure I had a couple beers before I got to school. I had a plan today. My plan was to drink before I got school, act drunk so Ellie would come home with me. I knew she would want to stay at school, because of Michael. Luckily, Michael wasn't there so it was my prime opportunity. Before she got there I stuffed her book into my back pocket and waited. 

I laid back on the couch as she opened her book. She was really pretty from the side. She was just really pretty in general. She reminded me of someone I used to know, I didn't know who. But she was completely different from that person, I knew that.  

I watched her read for about twenty minutes. She flipped to the next page about thirty seconds after the last one. She was a really fast reader, no wonder she hoped from one book to the next.

I sat and thought at she read. When Ellie had told me why she hated me, it didn't seem to be true. She didn't seem confident in her answer, which meant she lied. If she lied it must've meant a lot to her. I wanted to find out what she really meant but I didn't want to aggravate her. 

Some days I wasn't sure where I stood with her. Yesterday she wasn't  as annoyed at me and we kissed, but the day before she was the opposite. I didn't smoke as much, not in front of her at least. I didn't what I could do to keep her in a good mood. 

Liking Ellie Sterling was going to be a big puzzle. 



this was kinds cool,, this was a filler

vote nd comment nd have fun


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