Chapter 7

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It was Monday and I was in study hall. I hated study hall, especially today, because Michael was gone and Ashton and Calum weren't in this class. I usually sat in the back corner, away from everyone else in the class. If Michael was here it wouldn't be as bad. We would make jokes or watch movies on his phone. But today I was left to read by myself.

"You're reading The Great Gatsby?" The sound of Luke's voice sounded dangerously close. I looked up and saw him sitting in the desk in front of me. His blue eyes were debating on if they wanted to look at me or my book. I continued to stare at him until he would speak again. "So The Great Gatsby, you're reading it."

"I've read it two times." I said hardly above a whisper. I had no time, or interest, to talk to Luke. I looked at him for one more second and went back to my book.

"Why are you reading a book you've already read two other times? Isn't that just a waste of time?" He sounded confused but then again I didn't expect him to understand.

"No, this conversation is a waste of time." I snapped and took Luke by surprise.  "I want to read in peace. That's why I sat back here. Now I don't know why you are here but I would love it if you got to the point, if there even is one."

"Jeez, I'm not sure which side of the bed you woke up on, considering one is nails and the other is as firm as a rock." He decided to act against me, which probably wasn't the best choice he's ever made. He quickly readjusted his black snapback and kept talking. "I wanted to get the summary from you. You know the one that will cost us our A if not done properly." I slammed my book shut and walked out of the room. I quickly ran to my locker to retrieve the paper that Luke so desperately needed, and returned back to study hall. "Thank you so much." He said sarcastically. I nodded and reopened my book. I hoped that if I didn't make anymore eye contact he would get the hint and leave. "What is your problem anyways?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're always so bitter towards me. Why?" He looked at me and rested his arms on my desk. Leaving almost no room for my book.

"I just don't like you very much. I know that seems strange; for someone to not like you. I would get used to it." I held my book closer to me, making sure not to invade Luke's personal space.

"What if I told you that could change." He was so desperate for everyone to like him it was actually laughable. "You're laughing at me. Why?"

"Because you're being ridiculous. I don't want to hang out with you, Luke. I thought I've made that clear in the past."

"Great so I'll see you Friday after school?" Was he losing his mind? He couldn't possibly take no for an answer.

"Fine." I groaned. "But I can promise you right now that my opinion of you will not change." Luke winked and finally left me alone. What was I thinking? I practically made a date with him. A date that I didn't want to happen at all.


I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out ways to ditch Luke's plans on Friday. I hadn't told Calum or Ashton because I knew Calum would laugh at me. Ashton would stand there quietly, maybe start how ridiculous I was being by accepting, but mostly quiet and sad. So my only hope was for Michael not to laugh or be sad. 

Michael and I agreed to meet in the park after school. I waited twenty minutes before he ran to me."Elizabeth!" Michael rushed to me, engulfing me in a big hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't at school. My mom made me go with her to the antique auction. I spent the entire day listening to women fight over who wanted the coat rack from the early nineteen hundreds." 

"That sounds better than my day." I sighed as we both sat down at a nearby park table. "Since you weren't there with me in study hall Luke decided to join me. The best part is that I am now spending time with him on Friday after school." I pouted and rested my head in my hands. 

Michael's eyes got really big after I finished. "I think I'm losing my hearing. Did you just say you are spending time with Luke Hemmings outside of school activities? Are you on drugs?" 

"I wish I was on drugs. That would explain why I agreed to hang out with him." I looked down and traced the carvings in the table. "Besides, weren't you the one who thought I should cut him some slack?" 

"I was. How nice of you to remember." He smiled. I loved it when Michael smiled. "It's just strange hearing that you actually listened to me. Especially when it's something to this degree." 

"Hey, I was thinking since you get your car back on Thursday I can stand in the middle of the road and you can run me over with it." I perked up. 

"Ellie you can't get out of this now. You know how Luke Hemmings hates to be told no." That's exactly why I was in this situation in the first place. "What can I say to make this better? Don't say run me over."

I shrugged. "There is nothing once you've ruled that option out. I'm so stupid why did I agree to this? I don't belong hanging out with him. We're completely different people who need to be far away from each other. This sucks."

"Wish I could help you out, Ellie." Michael sighed.

"What happened to when you said you don't want me getting involved with people like him?" I questioned.

"Hey, I said Chase. I don't want you hanging around with Chase."

"But he is the same person as Chase! They are friends and they do the same things." I groaned putting my head on the table. "Michael you should've been at school today. If you were there this would not have happened and we would be hanging out on Friday." I said from the table. 

"If you go on Friday you get to find things out about Luke and tell them to me. I'll come over right after and you can tell me all of his weird habits." He chuckled. "Just like we always do." 

"That sounds fine." I mumbled, lifting my head up off of the table. "We can order Chinese food?" Michael nodded in agreement. "Can you take me home? We're having steak for dinner and I don't want to be late." 



Author's note:

idk how i feel about this chapter but the next will be better and the photo is michael hugging a fan bc sAD.


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