Chapter 1

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I am a "nothing". Every day I am reminded of that when I walk in to school and see the rich kids. I hate every single one of them because all they talked about was the new things they got or all the money they got from their parents. I was reminded by them that I am a nothing. In this school you were either a nothing or one of them. 

At least I'm not alone. Usually I am accompanied by Michael, Ashton and Calum. We do everything together, we all make fun of the rich kids, we play video games together and we just do nothing together. We are the people that the rich ones hated the most because they weren't afraid to call them out. 

"Ellie! No! Steal the other car!" Michael threw his hands in the air out of frustration. "You suck at GTA! You don't deserve this controller." He snatched the controller out of my hand as he played for me. Michael always got frustrated when I played GTA because I was terrible at it. I giggled as I got up from my spot on the living room floor, walking to the kitchen where Ashton and Calum were looking out the window. 

"He's out there again, Eli." Ashton said as he took a bite from his cookie. Eli was something Ashton always called her because he didn't like my name, and because I hated the nickname. I pushed past Ashton and looked out the kitchen window which looked out my back lawn. I saw my neighbor, Luke, outside with his friends in his yard. Luke was one of the rich kids who we all hated and I had the pleasure of living next to him. Luke was always outside with his stupid friends. Usually when Luke's mom wasn't home they would smoke or get high, today was one of those days. 

I had had enough of Luke and his friends blowing their smoke over to my side of the fence. I shook my head and told Ashton and Calum to wait in the kitchen while I took care of business. 

I climbed over the chain fence that spereated my house and Luke's. I landed on the grass softly and made my way on to the porch. His friends noticed me before Luke did. One blonde haired guy whislted, liking what he saw. I wasn't much to look at, I had brown hair that was almost red in the right light. that fell in the middle of her back and was only around five foot six inches. I wasn't super skinny like the rich girls, but she wasn't too pudgy either. 

Finally Luke looked up at me with a smirk on his face. "Can I help you?"

"Yes you can you jackass." I said firmly. "You can stop smoking out here. I can smell it from my house." Luke shared a look with his friends, as if he truly didn't know who I was and where I came from. "I live next door you idiot! Are you too high to realize who your own neighbor is?" I folded my arms across my chest, I wasn't leaving until he agreed to do something.

"Look, Emma" Luke started. "My name is Ellie." I corrected but he ignored her. "Emma we've had a long and hard day. All we want to do is relax."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had the same day as he had, they both went to the same school and took the same classes. What could he possibly be tired from? "I'm not leaving until you do something about this." I waved my hands around, referring to the smell of weed and the smoking.

"Fine." Luke stood up from his seat. I had never been this close to Luke but he towered over me, he had to be at least six foot one. I thought to myself how he was all legs and hair with such a small torso. "Let's go guys." He ordered while still making eye contact with me. His friends rose from their spots and walked inside, leaving Luke and me outside.

"Thank you." I nodded and turned around. I was on the last step when Luke spoke up again. "Is your name really Ellie?" I stopped cold in my tracks and turned around. "It is. But why do you care? I'm nothing remember?" I scoffed and climbed the fence back to her house.

When I got back to my own yard I saw my friends waiting for her on the porch."What happened? What did he say to you?" Calum asked when I pushed past him. They followed me back to the living room where I sat down in front of the TV. 

"Nothing interesting. I just told him and his asshole friends to quick smoking pot next to my house." I said and pulled my legs to chest. Michael came and sat down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. Out of all my three friends, Michael was the one I was closest to. We had known each other since fifth grade, Michael introduced me to Ashton and Calum in tenth grade. 

"Him and his friends are such jerks." Ashton scoffed as he sat down on the leather couch. "They think they can get away with anything. I mean just because they're parents have more money than our doesn't mean they can treat us like shit."

"Sadly that's just the way it works here." I puffed the falling hair out of her face. "We're nothing while they're everything. We aren't meant to be like them."

"Jeez you guys are all so negative!" Calum said loudly. Whenever the group was upset or down, Calum was there to pick things up. "I have an idea. Ellie do you have eggs?" 

"Calum we can't egg his house! He'll know it was us." I protested, pushing Michael off of me. He groaned and flopped on to my lap. "Don't go boneless on me, Michael." I giggled as I pushed him off of me. He sat up and ran his hands through his faded green hair.

"Ellie why don't you go put on your bathing suit and walk around outside! That'll teach them." Ashton said excitedly. I had always had a small suspicion that Ashton had a thing for me. "I saw the way his friends looked at you." 

"I'm not letting her go out there and be a piece of meat for those assholes!" Michael spoke up from the floor. 

"Guys just don't worry about it. They're not worth our time anyways." I said quietly. "Just come and play video games. Who cares about Luke and his stupid friends anyways?" I patted the couch, inviting Ashton and Calum to join me and Michael. Calum held out his arms to Ashton, "Carry me." Ashton rolled his eyes at his friend but agreed, throwing him over his shoulder and throwing him down on the couch. Michael and l laughed at how ridiculous they could be, but it was all just apart of who they were. 

"Michael put in Call of Duty!" Calum said with enthusiasm. 

Michael turned around to face him. "Why don't you do it yourself? You and Ellie are going to play not me." 

"You're the closest to the television." Calum said, getting comfortable on his side of the couch. Michael got up and flopped himself on the couch, laying on Calum. He sat up over him and started to hit Calum with pillows. Michael finally got more control and rolled him on the floor. "Who's the closest now!" Michael said firmly. Calum hung his head in defeat and crawled over to the television to put in the game. I smiled at how weird my friends were. Sure they weren't like Luke and his friends but I liked it the way they were.

And they were nothing. 



hey hi hello I am Gwyn if you didn't know and I hope you like this fan fiction. It may seem a little like Found at first but that's not the point I promise. Comment and vote if you like this????

and currently there is no cover for this so if you want to make me a cover that would rock and I would love you a lot.

hmu on twitter @LATENlGHT or ask me something on cool peace out girl scout

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