Chapter 3

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School sucked as it usually did. Day after day I practically had to drag myself home because I didn't have a car and I refused to take the bus. My friends never offered but it wasn't that bad because I didn't live too far away. Today I was walking in front of Luke and his friends. Chase was with them but he didn't seem to be acting the same way he did when we first met. I could hear their whistling and laughter as they continued to walk. They were all pigs and I hated myself for thinking for a split second that Chase was different.

When I turned on the path leading up to my house Luke and his friends kept walking. I stood on the front porch and dug around in my bag for the house key. "You're invited over for a smoke, Evelynn." Luke called from next door.

"My name is Ellie and I think I'll pass." I faked smiled as I turned the key and unlocked the front door. All of Luke's friends had gone inside so it was just him and me standing and looking at each other. "Besides it's not like I want to spend any time with you whatsoever."

Luke put his hand over his heart, like someone had shot him. "Ouch that hurt, Erin." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at how foolish he was being. "I guess it's better that way," Luke turned to go back inside, "why would I want to be seen with a nothing anyway. Right?"

"Ditto." I said with an indifferent look on my face. Luke let out a slight chuckle and walked inside to be with his friends. He was such an asshole, the worst one in my opinion. He thought just because his parents owned half of the town that he was better than anyone. He was anything but that. Luke Hemmings is rude, arrogant, and an asshole. I thought as I made myself a sandwich and turned on the TV. The local news was on and since the remote fell on the ground after I sat down, I continued to watch because of how far away the remote was. They were showing a segmant on how the Hemming's family and the Weston's family had just pulled their money together to build a new YMCA. Just my luck, Luke appeared on the screen next to his parents and another family.

Luke definitely didn't look like he came from a rich family. He had a lip ring, wore black most of the time along with a snapback in which he wore backwards. His choice in clothing was never terrible, he wore regular black skinny jeans and some sort of band shirt from a concert he went to. It amazed me how he never looked the part his family did. I watched as I ate and listened to Luke's dad ramble on about new family activites.

"Knock knock I hope you're decent." Ashton's voice rang through the house. I called out to him and he soon found his way to the living room

"You know just because you say knock knock doesn't mean you're doing it right?" I looked up at my friend. "For all you know I could have been having Ellie time."

"Oh my god in your living room? That's too open go do it in your room or something." Ashton said, appalled. He sat down next to me on the couch and put his arm around my shoulder. "Why are you watching this asshole? Where's the remote?" I nodded to where it was laying on the carpeted floor. "We see him enough I don't think he needs to be on the television."

"Speaking of Luke, do you want to hear something crazy?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Ashton scooted away and made more room for himself, he crossed his legs and smiled. He had missed so much over the last couple days it was amazing. I started off about how Luke gave me the cigarette and I went to talk to Michael about but he was having Michael time. Ashton let out a scoff when I told him about Chase and what happened this morning. "Then I got here and Calum was here and he found the cigarette that I dumped."

"What can I say, El? Calum was right and you were lucky he saw that and not your mom. I'm not going to bring up you know who but she would've freaked the fuck out." I reminded him that he did bring up you know who and bit down on my bottom lip.

"Can we just forget about Luke and Chase and every other rich asshole at our school?" I offered and placed the half eaten sandwich on the coffee table. "Who do you think will be your partner for science fair?" Sure it wasn't the best topic to talk about, but it got my mind off of a soft subject.

"I hope it's one of you guys because I have a great idea." Ashton sat up straight as he was pleased with his idea.

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you unless you picked as my partner. If I tell you now you could steal it and get first prize!"

"Oh so you think you're going to get first prize? I didn't know Ashton Irwin was so sure of himself." I giggled as Ashton fixed his curly hair.

"I always have been."

I squinted and scrunched my nose. "Are you sure? Because in tenth grade you definitely weren't like this."

"Hey do you hear that?" Ashton quickly changed the subject as we heard a loud electric sound, like something from a guitar. "It sounds like it's coming from your favorite neighbor." I quickly got up and looked around for a pair of shoes. "Eli wait." Ashton grabbed me by the arm, preventing me from moving. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but he was a lot stronger than I was. "Maybe you should let this one go. Come on let's go get frozen yogurt or something."

"Ashton, sweetie, you don't understand." I let out a slight chuckle at how oblivious he was. "Luke is everything that I hate about people like him. I don't care what he does but I hate it. I've lived next to him for nine years, imagine how I feel." Ashton sighed and released my arm slowly, soon following after to Luke's house. He stood back as I banged on the door and Luke answered within seconds. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You have neighbors." 

All Luke did was stare at me with a smirk on his face. "May I help you, Erica?" I drew in a deep breath and let it out, trying not to get angry with him. "Would you and your friend like to come in?" 

"Not really." I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "What I want is for you to turn down your music. Other people live in this block."

"We're trying to have a good time, Elena." Luke moaned out of frustration. "Maybe you should try it." I had had enough of Luke being such a smart ass. 

"Maybe you should think of other people!"

"I do think of other people." Luke said as if he was shocked that I would say such a thing. "I think of my friends and they think I should've turned the music up louder. If I did maybe I wouldn't hear you knock on the door." I turned back to look at Ashton who was leaning up against the porch railing. He looked at me and gave a shrug and a half smile like 'what are you gunna do'. I couldn't really do anything, all I could do was put up with his shit. 

"Come on Ashton let's go. I've had enough for one day." I mumbled as I made my way down the stairs.

"See you in chemistry tomorrow!" Luke called out after us. The last place I wanted to see him was in class tomorrow. 

"Why is he such an ass!" I said angrily, slamming the door behind the two of us.

"Because that's just the type of person he is, El. He get's things handed to him so he thinks he can do whatever he wants." Ashton told me. I ran my fingers through my hair and paced back in forth in the kitchen. "But hey," He stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulders, "try not to let him get to you. You're better than him and you know that. He just likes to mess with you I can see it. Luke likes it when you come over there and tell him to stop doing things. Don't give him what he wants, Eli." I was afraid to look Ashton in the eyes because I knew they held sadness and truth. 

"I hate it when you're right." I let out a small laugh,a laugh that was so pathetic that it shouldn't even be considered a laugh. But I wanted to make the situation less awkward. Ashton smiled in return and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, considering how much shorter I was than him. "Thanks Ashton." 

"No problem. I just don't want to see you stress over him when you don't need to."



poor ellie, all she wants is for luke to leave her alone , damn.

anyhoo tell your friends about Nothing bc it's gunna get a lot better within the next chapter or so and hmu on twitter @nesbittftirwin or you can ask me things on my I'll answer your questions about my stories lol. also vote and comment because I love feedback

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