Chapter 12

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I tapped my pencil against the desk during science. I wasn't paying attention to anything the teacher was blabbering on about, I wasn't going to be a scientist. I looked at Michael, he sat next to me leaning over his notebook. He wasn't paying attention either. I saw the doodles he drew on the paper he was supposed to be taking notes on. He drew little rocket ships, a couple guitars and a car.

"Hemmings," our teacher stopped in the middle of his lecture, giving our whole class the opportunity to turn and look at Luke, "please put your chair back on the floor and get your legs off of the desk. This isn't your house." I glanced over my shoulder and watched Luke fold his legs under the desk. He smiled at me before I turned around again.

"Michael, can you meet me by the bathrooms in 2 minutes?" I leaned in and whispered. He nodded in response. I didn't ask to use the bathroom. That's the one good thing about this teacher, he didn't care if you just left, unless you were Luke, then he cared a lot.

I waited for Michael by a set of lockers by the girls and boys bathroom. I looked at my phone. I looked down the hall toward my class. No Michael. I scrunched my nose and debated on what to do. I couldn't be away from class too long.

"Sorry I'm late." Michael sounded out of breath. He needed to take up a sport if he was out of breath from running to the bathroom. "Why are we here?"

"I need to tell you something." I had to tell Michael about Luke this morning and it couldn't wait another second. "I saw Luke this morning before homeroom and we had a really strange talk." I continued to tell him all of tje confusing things he told me and everything he felt was necessary to tell me.

"Sounds like you've got yourself a boy problem." Michael smirked. I was beginning to think that Michael liked the idea of me and Luke.

"I don't want a boy problem. Not now, and especially not one with the guy who has the class stopped because he doesn't know how to keep four on the floor!"

"Ellie," Michael laughed and grabbed my shoulders, "chill. Why are you making a big deal out of this? You've never done this before." He let go of me and took a step back. "I think you like him."

"I shouldn't have said anything." I groaned, walking back to class.

"I would find out eventually." He followed closely behind, still tired from his run.  "You're my best friend who likes the guy she hates. How could I not find that out?"

I stopped so fast he almost crashed into me when  I turned around. "You're supposed to be giving me help. Not pointing out things that I don't want you pointing out. I need serious words of wisdom here. I don't have a friend that's a girl who could help me out with this stuff. You're the closest I have and you happen to be a guy too. My mistake if I thought you could be the slightest of help to me." In that moment I seriously considered finding a friend that was a girl. When my sister still lived with us I could talk to her about anything and vice versa. Michael didn't say anything, he just looked at me. I didn't think he would say anything back so I continued to walk and left him in the hall.

When I got back to my seat I found a note sitting on my textbook. I opened it and read the print.

I want to talk, meet me in the gym at lunch. 

I assumed the letter was from Luke. When I looked back I saw him leaning back in his chair again with his hands behind his head. He was already looking at me, which I found strange. At times like this I wondered what was going through his mind.  

Michael returned within seconds, snapping my attention away from Luke. "Did I miss anything?" Michael asked, scooting in his chair.

"Not anything you cared about before." 



"I wish I did sports." I heard Luke's voice echo through the gym. He was sitting on the bleachers, looking at half court. 

"Why?" I questioned as I sat down next to him. The only sports I liked were softball, but I only liked to watch it. 

"It's simple, Ellie," he started, "if I played a sport it would be that much easier to get a date on Friday nights." I shook my head at how ridiculous he was being. "Anyways I assume you know why I have called this meeting to order."

"No I don't actually." I leaned back, resting my arms on the bleachers behind me. 

"Don't make me say it, Ellie." Luke shook his head. Say what? In my lack of conversation, Luke decided to keep going. "Fine." He huffed. "Since you grilled me this morning I figured it was my turn." I didn't like the sound of that one bit. I swear every time I agree to these little meetings of his, I always regret it. "Would you have kissed me back if I didn't provoke it?"

I had to think about my answer. At the time I was caught off guard and didn't know what to do. I probably would have just sat there with his lips on mine. "Probably not." I saw his smirk drop into a frown. "Only because I was really surprised by it."

"Next question. Did you run away because it was bad?" 

"I'm going to go back to my previous answer." I could tell by his facial expression that he didn't like that answer either. "It wasn't bad. It was different that's for sure."

"How was it different?" Luke raised an eyebrow. 

"I've never kissed a guy with a lip ring before. It was a little weird." I said, feeling a smile form. I sat forward again, kicking my feet against the bleachers. 

"I think I've made up my mind." He declared, pressing his lips against mine. I kissed him back this time without his help. I liked the familiar feeling of his lip ring pressing against my lips. I could tell that he hadn't been smoking today, which was a nice change. He put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I found my hands playing with the small hairs at the back of his head. Our mouths moved in sync as we continued to kiss. Soon his hands roamed around my back, finding a comfort spot on the small of my back. 

I stopped and pulled away once his hands got a little lower. "I never imagined that would happen. Especially a second time." I breathed. His face was still inches away from mine. "I hope you know that this does not change the fact that you are a very annoying human being." I couldn't let this action affect my feelings toward him. I had one thought about Luke Hemmings and I intended to keep it that way.

"That'll change, Ellie." He smiled, standing up from the bleachers. "That'll change." 



comment your questions concerns thoughts ideas or problems and vote and have a good time reading the rest of this and maybe check out my other stuff. this was fun and yes


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