Chapter 25

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I woke up to feel Ellie breathing softly against my collarbone. I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was almost seven o' clock. I looked at the situation I was in, her head resting on my shoulder, one arm draped over my stomach. Before we fell asleep we were talking. There wasn't a specific topic, just anything that came to our minds.  We sat in the silence of my room and talked for a couple hours, her resting her head on my shoulder, until she fell asleep.

She turned as I gently removed her hand from my torso. She seemed so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up. "Ellie." I nudged her shoulder slightly, causing her to move away. "Come on it's almost seven thirty." She jolted up, as if she had a bad dream.

"Fuck." She whispered to herself, jumping off of my bed. She pulled down her flowered shirt and scrambled for her shoes.

"You have some place to be?" I questioned as she moved around my room, looking for her things.

"I'm supposed to meet my parents and Julia for dinner. I told them I would be at the steakhouse by eight." She pulled her phone out of her backpack and quickly texted someone, I assumed it was Michael. I felt bad that Michael was always the cover up for our relationship. He didn't need to be apart of this.

"I could take you." I offered, making her laugh like it was some sort of joke. "Ellie I'm serious." I got out of bed and stood where she was standing at my dresser. It had been almost a month since her sister had been back and she still hadn't told her. At first the sneaking around was fun, but now it was boring and didn't make me feel good.

She sighed, sitting back down on my bed. "I'm sorry." She looked down, playing with my sheets. "I just don't know when I should tell her. She's my sister, it's just hard." Her voice trailed off at the end.

"It's fine. Just take your time." I shrugged my shoulders, finding nothing else to say. She gave me a small smile and returned to gathering her things. Ten minutes later we heard a car honk it's horn out front.

"That's Michael." She said. She leaned in and gave me a kiss, a kiss I didn't want to stop. I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her up against the wall, our lips still connected. She instantly dropped the things in her hand. "Luke." Her breath hitched as I moved down her neck.  I started leaving little marks on her collarbone, making her tense up. She soon gave in to what was happening and connected our lips again. My hands wandered up under her shirt. I felt the chill bumps that she got when I touched her bare stomach. I felt her fingers run through my hair, playing with it.

As things heated up I could feel Ellie getting more and more comfortable. She slid her tongue into my mouth. I couldn't help but smile at how amazing this moment was. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, as if it was planned. I caught her and moved my hands under her legs. I carried her back to my bed, laying her down and hovering over her. She looked up at me and smiled, biting her lip in the process. I leaned down and gently kissed her lips, her neck, her collarbone. I pulled up her shirt a little and kissed her stomach, trailing my way back up to her lips. "I love you so much, Ellie." I muttered softly. 

Everything stopped when I said that. Her smile faded away and she managed to wiggle out from under me. "Michael's waiting." She cleared her throat and recollected her things. 

"Ellie come on." I called after her. I followed as she walked briskly down the hallway. "Ellie!" I called as I jogged down the stairs, seeing as she picked up the pace. I finally caught up to her outside. I tugged on her arm and spun her around to face me. "Are you surprised by that?" I asked. I didn't think she would react like that. It's not something I said in the spur of the moment, but something that I actually meant. She looked me in the eyes for a second and then looked behind her, where Michael was staring at both of us from his car. 

"I just...have to go." She said quietly, slipping her arm out of my grasp. "I'll call you later." I watched her turn around and walk away to Michael's car. I waved as the drove away but she didn't see that. I let out a puff of air and walked back inside.

"What's up, bro?" My brother, Ben, called from the living room. I shook him off and grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the kitchen drawer. I opened the back door and out into the bright sun. Sitting down on a porch couch I pulled out a cigarette and placed it between my teeth, lighting it and letting out a puff of smoke. 


I hated the way I left Luke. He told me something that I had never heard before and it scared me off. I watched as our house came closer into view. My dad pulled into the driveway, signaling the motion porch lights to turn on. We all piled out of the mini van, heading inside. I trailed behind my family, kicking rocks that were in my way. I hadn't been in the best mood since I had gotten in Michael's car. I broke down and told him what happened on the way, but keeping my mouth shut to my family. I gave one word answers the entire night, not feeling like speaking. 

My dad unlocked the door and we all stepped inside. I pushed past my sister and headed up to my room. The first thing I did when I was in the comfort of my own room was check the window. Sadly, there wasn't anything. There was no note telling me to call him, no note telling me he was sorry, no note at all. I was afraid to go over there or call him, not knowing what he was thinking. It was such a nice moment we were sharing before he said that. I didn't feel like what he said ruined it, but scared me in a way. The part that scared me the most was hearing those words from someone I felt the same about. I felt like I couldn't tell him that too. 

I looked at my phone. It was almost ten at night and I hadn't received any messages. I sat down on my bed, chewing on my thumbnail and thinking. I dialed Luke's number, hearing it ring multiple times before I got his voice mail. I listened to his outgoing message and when I heard the beep, I hung up. Tossing my phone aside I fell backwards on my bed, staring up at the ceiling fan. Everything about this sucked. 



ok this made feel kinda ???11?rf but i like it and the next one is gunna be even better so keep your eyes out for that.


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