Chapter 5

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"Elizabeth! Wake the hell up!" I rolled over at the sound of Michael's demanding voice. "Ellie I know that you know what today is. There's no escaping it now get your ass out of bed." I grunted and covered my face with extra pillows. Michael took it upon himself to grab a pillow and hit me with it until I bothered to get up. 

"Why can't I wake up in peace?" I asked groggily, looking over at Michael. He was all ready for what today had to offer, while I couldn't be less ready. Luke and Michael had agreed to a study group, on a Saturday morning no less. "Also why did you agree to work in the morning? On a Saturday? At Luke's house?" 

"Because I don't like failing." Michael stated, as if it was obvious. He knew very well why I didn't like him and didn't want to step foot in his house. "Just get dressed so we can leave. I'll be downstairs when you're ready." I watched Michael leave and walked into the bathroom, getting ready for my day with Luke. 

Once I dressed myself in a pink crop top that had white polka dots, along with my favorite light wash denim overalls. I slipped on a pair of white Converse and went downstairs to meet Michael. "Good. You're ready." I wasn't too sure that I was ever going to be ready.

Michael and I walked in silence over to Luke's house. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as Michael rang the doorbell. "At least put a fake smile on your face." I shot him a look that clearly indicated I didn't want to even crack a smirk. Michael rolled his eyes and the door opened, revealing Luke. He wore a black muscle shirt, black skinny jeans and his hat backwards. "Hey Luke. We're ready to start the project." Michael greeted, Luke stepped aside, letting us both in.

I looked around at his house. It looked like some place Luke would live in. The walls were a tan color and there were many pictures of his family on the wall. Most of the photos were of trips him and his parents had taken to someplace fancy, and not in America. "Where do you guys want to work? There's the kitchen, my room, outside, the living room."

"Anywhere's fine." Michael told him. "Right Ellie?" He turned to look at me. I just nodded and followed my friend to the living room. I was surprised at how small it was. There were plenty of big items that filled up the room, a flat screen TV, a couch that could easily seat six people, and chairs to match.

"You guys take a seat anywhere. I need to go get my stuff." Luke announced, leaving the room after. Once he left Michael turned to me, with a unhappy look on his face.

"Try to act like you don't hate being here. Say something once and a while too. Whether you like it or not, we're working with him."

I crossed her arms over my chest, looking around the room. "I'm not going to hide the fact that I hate him. I just want to get this project over with so I can go back to not talking to Luke." Michael told me that I just had to suck it up, then Luke came back in the room. The three of us sat in a circle on the floor, papers and books spread out.

"I think maybe we should do a plant reaction project." Luke suggested. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the idea. To me, and probably to our teacher, the idea was over played. So many people have already done that type of project because they thought it was an easy A. "Is there something wrong with that?" He asked me, catching the eye roll.

"There is." I said. "It's stupid and over used. I would've thought someone like you can think of something better than that, but apparently I was wrong." I heard Michael whisper my name in disappointment but I didn't care. Our teacher wasn't going to pass us with a stupid idea like Luke's. "I'll be right back." I told Michael as I got up and headed to the kitchen. I couldn't stand being in the same room as Luke anymore, I needed a break. 

"Are my ideas really that stupid?" I heard Luke's voice from behind. I turned around to face him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Like your ideas are any better, Elizabeth." For once Luke called her by my name, even though he probably didn't know that was my name. 

"For the last time my name is Ellie. Would you like me to spell it out for you? Or do you have someone to spell for you? Is that why your ideas are so lame? Because you usually have someone to do your projects for you?"  

"Is that what you think of me?" He wondered, leaning up against the kitchen counter. "That I'm some spoiled brat who can't do anything for himself?" I nodded, agreeing with what he said. "If you think that then why are you here?"

"I have to be, for Michael and for my grade. If I had a choice I wouldn't be here. Trust me." I scoffed at the end.

"I feel like there's some other reason you hate me so much." I shook her head. There was one but I didn't want him to know because of how personal it was. "There is and I'll figure it out eventually." With that, Luke walked out of the room, leaving me alone again in the kitchen. 

I didn't want to have to deal with Luke any longer. So I took a move and walked out of Luke's house and back to my own. Of course it wasn't long until Michael came rushing after me. "Ellie what is wrong with you? I know you hate Luke but you can't just leave in the middle of starting." He explained, following after  all the way to my room. 

"Michael I already told you everything. I don't need to keep explaining why I don't want to be there." I huffed, sitting down at my desk.

"What happened back there? Did he say something to you about, well, you know." 

"Not necessarily. But he started talking about why he thinks I hate him, and I told him the first, and obvious, reason. After that he figured there was something else, something that I wasn't sharing." Michael knew what I had left out with my conversation with Luke. He knew that it was something that meant a lot to me and I never liked to talk about. Especially with people like Luke.  

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I really am." Michael smiled a little bit. "If I knew what would happen between you two I wouldn't have agreed to have it at his house." Michael took my hand and pulled me out of the seat. "He sucks." 

"Tell me about it." I laughed slightly. "I don't know if I can ever work with him. Or even be in the same room with him." 

"Next time I'll make sure it's at my house or your house. So you can kick him out if you need to." He laughed. "Point is that you don't need to worry about him. Especially when it was never your problem in the first place." I knew he was right, which sucked for me, but the reason I hated Luke never had anything to do with me. "Now what do you want to do?"

I shrugged. "I kind of want some pizza. The good kind, not the shit we usually get at the gas station."

"When will you ever let that one time go? I thought the anchovies would be okay to eat!" He defended, throwing his hands in the air. I cracked a smile at my best friend's stupidity. "I'll call Calum and Ashton, see if they want to come. You just get ready." I had no trouble pushing her friend out the door so I could get ready.

I walked over to the dresser, looking through different colored shirts. Realzing that I wanted nothing in there, I made my way over to shoes. On the way I passed the window, which had the view of Luke's upstairs game room. When I walked past, I had to double take on what I just saw. Backing up she saw Luke Hemmings gazing into my room. He stood their smiling, with a guitar in his hands. Angrily, I shut the curtain as quick as I could and ran out of the room. I liked to keep the curtains shut on that window just so I never had to see Luke across from me

"What's wrong you look like you just saw a ghost." Michael asked as I ran down the stairs so quick that I was afraid of tripping. I ignored Michael's questions and waited for him downstairs by the front door. "Calum and Ashton said they would meet us at the pizza place downtown. Is that fine?"

"That's fine."



idk how i feel about this but im sorry this took forever to update i hope you guys still like it though. i have so many ideas for ellie's secret reason for hating luke i cant wait for you guys to find out which one it will be :))) anyways ill see you guys in wrapped around my finger pce

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