Chapter 4

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Of course our science teacher was ten minutes late to class. Normally I would take this time to laugh with Michael, Ashton, and Calum while they played with the lab equipment. But today was different, I was too nervous to find out who my science fair partner was going to be. I didn't want to get stuck with someone who didn't want to do the work, but also wanted to get paired with my friends.

The science teacher, Mr.Lowe, walked into the room with Luke sauntering behing him. I could only imagine what Mr.Lowe busted him for this time. Maybe it was for smoking on school grounds like usual.  "Take a seat, Luke." He said in a stern voice. Luke did as he was told and went and sat with Chase on the other side of the room. 

"Today is the day you've all been waiting for," Mr.Lowe said as he clapped his hands together, "it's time to pick partners for the science fair." Some simultaneous groans came from the kids sitting in the back of the class. "I have already chosen who you will be pared with. The list will be posted outside my classroom at the end of this period." 

"That sucks ass." Michael whispered. "I wanted to know when you and I could get started."

I looked at him in confusion. Why would he think we would get paired together? Mr.Lowe knows who is friends with who and would never put them together. "What the hell are you talking about, Michael?" 

"I may have convinced him to let me be your partner. I didn't want you to get stuck with someone like Chase." I let out a sigh of relief, worrying all last night that I was going to be stuck with someone like Chase, or even Chase himself.

"Thank you so much, Michael." I said happily and hugged him instantly. "I thought I was going to fail." He gave me a smile and turned around in his seat as we all listened to Mr.Lowe.

The next thirty minutes went by slower than expected. I couldn't wait to get out of class and see the confirmation that Michael was me partner for the science fair. Finally the bell rung and I pushed the chair back, grabbing my stuff and running into the hallway. Michael followed closely behind as we watched Mr.Lowe put up the list. By this time the whole class had gathered around and were pushing to see. "What is it? Can you see it?" I asked Michael seeing as he was closer to the list.

"Yes I see it." Michael called. Somehow he got pushed to the front of the group, leaving me in the back.

"What the fuck does it say?" He needed to hurry up because I sure as hell wasn't going to wait in this crowd any longer. I always got anxiety when people were too close to me and  didn't want to breathe in Jude Allen's cologne any longer. Finally, I saw Michael try to squirm his way out and towards the back.

"Good news and bad news." He said as he brushed off what I could only assume was Charlotte Midtown's sparkly hair extensions.  "Good news is that we're together." My heart stopped beating at the fast speed and took a deep breath. "Bad news is that since we have an odd number of people in class-" 

"Hey group mates." Luke's voice joined in. I felt my mouth drop as soon as he put that stupid smirk on his face.  "What do you think we're going to do? You guys can come over to my house so we can brainstorm ideas."

 "Michael can I talk to you." I took my best friend by the hand. "Without the presence of our other group member." Luke's smirked dropped as he watched me take Michael down the hall, where he was out of ear shot . "What the fuck! If Mr.Lowe thinks that I am working with Luke he is dead wrong." I said, whispering angrily.

"Ellie, calm down." Michael put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed my arm, trying to get me to relax. "We can just do most of the work and give Luke little things to do by himself. Trust me I know how much you dislike Luke, I do too, but we can't let him stand in the way of us getting a good grade. Alright?" I nodded and cupped my hands over my face. I didn't want to think about Luke or the science fair right now. I wanted to do anything other than think. "Come on, I'll take you off campus for lunch."

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