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"Where are we, Yeonjun?" Soobin whined, and Yeonjun shushed him.

"I don't want you to say anything." Yeonjun said. "Just shut up."

"Fine,I'll shut up." Soobin said, before looking away from Yeonjun.

The couple was seated in a car at the moment, and Yeonjun had picked Soobin up without a warning from his apartment. He just shoved the younger into the car and blindfolded him (don't ask where Yeonjun got a blindfold from) and made him sit inside. Soobin hadn't gotten an answer from Yeonjun for the past forty five minutes, and it naturally pissed Soobin off.

Everytime Soobin asked Yeonjun where they were, Yeonjun would either ask Soobin to shut up,or start to sing a song in a very loud voice. Unhelpful.

"If you don't stop complaining so much, I'll handcuff you to the back seat." Yeonjun warned, looking sideways at the younger and smirking even though he knew that Soobin couldn't see him.

"Why the hell do you even have the handcuffs in the car?" Soobin asked, and Yeonjun just shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe I just knew that you were going to be bratty." Yeonjun said. "I don't mind stopping for a fuck."

"Fuck you." Soobin spat and Yeonjun giggled mockingly at Soobin.

"I'll be doing the fucking, baby." Yeonjun said teasingly and Soobin let out a huge sigh.

"You're super horny all the time, I hate you." Soobin stuck his tongue out in Yeonjun's direction.

"Don't distract me, Soobin." Yeonjun sounded authoritative. Hot. "We'll probably die."

"This is why you let me drive." Soobin rested his head on the seat. "I know that whenever you're the one driving, our lives are always at stake. Probably get this stupid thing off my eyes, and I'll drive."

"Maybe I'll gag you too, Soobin." Yeonjun snapped, and that shut up Soobin real quick.

" thank you. I'll shut up on my own." The younger gave up, and Yeonjun smirked in victory.

Around after fifteen minutes of shouting singing, and even playing Soobin's favourite song, Yeonjun received no reaction from Soobin. This only happened when Soobin was sulking.

In their five months of relationship, what Yeonjun liked the most is getting Soobin pissed off and sulking. The way the bottom couldn't go even half an hour ignoring Yeonjun. He just couldn't hold a grudge, and always gave in. Well, that's what Yeonjun has seen.

Because the cute little angel like Soobin, could become your biggest nightmare when angry. Thankfully, Yeonjun has never seen that side of Soobin, and he doesn't want to either. He didn't have such an early death wish. Dying because of your boyfriend's anger at the age of twenty one wasn't the most fun way of  dying.

"Are you sulking?" Yeonjun asked, turning the music lower.

"Yeah, no shit." Soobin responded bitterly.

"Sooobinnnnn." Yeonjun called out his name in a sing song manner. "Talk to me properly."

"Just get this thing off my eyes." Soobin requested in a bratty tone, which wasn't enough to convince Yeonjun.

"But it'll ruin my surprise!" Yeonjun pressed, and he swore if he could see Soobin's eyes, he'd roll them.

"And I hate surprises?" Soobin argued, causing Yeonjun to frown.

That was right. Soobin hated surprises, because the amount of suspense they built inside a person would be enough to make them go crazy. If not physically, then mentally.

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