My girl...

339 9 10

10 years later

"Kaminari lets go out!"

Kaminari woke up as he scratched his head, he grabbed a jacket and walked in the living room, smiling as he walked toward his girlfriend and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning beautiful." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

She laughed quietly as she kissed him back before softly punching his stomach.

"Aimee come on stop being so rude." He said as he flicked her head.

"Yeah yeah whatever let's just go to this festival!! I heard your old high school is hosting it." She said as she grabbed his hand and ran outside the house.

"But I just woke up from my nap it's 6 could've we went at 7?!"


As they reached the high school, memories from his old days were playing in his head. Aimee noticed and worriedly tapped him. He realized he was day dreaming and looked at her. Jirou.

"You're alright?" She asked.

"Oh uh yeah I am."

As they parked and walked towards the blooming lights, it felt like he was back home. He watched as Aimee went from one convention to another.


Kirishima. Kirishima ran over and hugged him. Kaminari almost suffocating.

"Dude how you've been it's almost been ages since I saw your ugly face!" He yelled as he shook him.

" has been." He said, in a monotone voice, looking away.

Kirishima noticed and put his arm on Kaminari's shoulder.

"Today's a good day, how about you cheer up a bit Eh? Get over it. I know you're still traumatized from the incident and I understand."

Kaminari look at him, brushing off Kirishima's arm off him. "Get over it? Kirishima do you know how much trauma I went through because of the incident. My whole life changed!"

It became quiet. "I'm sorry man."

Kaminari sighed before patting Kirishima's back. "It's fine really. I'm just still stuck with the past."

A few minutes passed as they got over their small argument. They went to different stands and caught up with some old classmates. Kaminari was having a fun time but as he turned to the corner, he saw a short girl with purple hair, with her phone connected to a long line attached to her ear. His rubbed his eyes and checked again.

"Jirou?" He whispered as he walked fast to her, reached his hand out to her.


"Babe what are you doing?" Aimee asked as she pulled his arm back, preventing him from reaching her.

He looked at Aimee with shocked eyes before immediately turning back to Jirou to was still there. But now, she was staring at him, with her phone dropped to the ground.

It was really her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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My Girl (kamiJirou depressed! Jirou x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now