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I took a sigh of relief as I know Shinsou will always have my back. I walk outside and the next thing that happens that I get pinned against the wall. The guy had light blue hair and was wearing all black. "Denki Kaminari." He said. "Yes I am Denki, what do you want, and how do you know my name?" I said. "Heh. You have a very useful quirk, we want to recruit you as one of us.." he said. My eyes widened as I realized he was Tomura Shigirarkiz the one who attacked us at the USJ. I push him. "WHAT NO! NEVER!" I yelled. He grinned and pulled out a button. "Join or watch all your classmates die and it'll be all you're fault." He said.

"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! Look! I got my quirk! It's so cool isn't it?!" A 4 year old me said as I looked at my hand as seeing flashing lights. "Wow! Denki I'm so proud of you! You'll be the greatest!" My mother said as she lifted me. "How wonderful son, this is a great super power you have at such a young age! We're so proud of you!" My father said as he hugged me as we all laughed and smiled.

"Mom!! Dad!! I got in! I got it! I made it into UA!" I said as my mother had tears forming in her eyes. "We knew you could do it Denki! We're so proud of you! You will become successful at such a young age!" My mother said as she gave me a very very tight hug. "Mom! Your squeezing me!" I said as I laughed. "Denks, we're so proud of you! You will become the greatest hero and we know it!" My father said.

" did it..I got my provisional license! My actual hero license!" I said. I will never forget the look on their faces. "Oh my goodness..Denki." My mother said before she stared sobbing. "Mom." I said as tears also formed in my eyes as I smiled. "We're so proud of you son, you will set a great and inspiring example for future generations to come!" My father said as he also started crying.

End of flashback
I always wanted to become a hero and make my parents proud. But I didn't want my classmates to die. Not only their my classmates, their my family. Not only I care about Shinsou and Jirou, I care about everyone. I had no choice. "Okay if you say so, remember this is all your fault." Shigirarki said almost pressing it. "NO!" I said as I panted. "I'll join, just don't hurt them!" I cried out. "Good but we'll kill them." My eyes formed in tears as to what he said. "Let's go or they'll die." He said. I sighed and followed him. I took one more look at the dormitories before leaving.

'I'm so sorry'

My Girl (kamiJirou depressed! Jirou x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now