I'll be Your Hero

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Kaminari's POV
"So we are almost ther-" before Shigirarki could speak, I knock him out with my quirk and ran as fast as I could, I also took the button and ran straight to the dorm, trying to find the bomb. I found the bomb which was hiding under the bushes. I throw it in the air and press the button. Dust falls onto the ground as I cough. I flop to bed and wait for school tomorrow. It's a new day. I woke up and got ready for school. When I got to class everyone's eyes landed on me. I look at Shinsou (I didn't want Mineta in Class 1A so I changed it to Shinsou) who gave me a supportive smile. "Hey you okay bro-" I cut Kirishima off by saying, "I'm good, I'm good" As we wait for Aizawa to come, Aizawa comes into the class with a concerned face.

"Denki will you come with me." Aizawa says. I get up and look back, and everyone is giving me worried looks. I follow him to the Principal Nezu's office and he looks at me with worried eyes. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you Mr. Kaminari." He says. 'On no, am I getting expelled?' I thought to myself. "Your parents were found murdered at your home at night. I'm sorry but they didn't make it." After what Nezu says, I feel tears coming down my cheeks. I start to chuckle "n-no y-y-you're l-lying, this is all a joke right?" I say looking at Aizawa. "Denki, we-" "NO! THEY CANT BE DEAD!!! IT MUST BE A DREAM!!" I scream pulling my hair and gripping it, while crying. Aizawa ran to me, trying to comfort me but I start crying and hit myself. "THIS CANT BE REAL! YOUR LYING YOUR LYING" I scream as I ran out the room. I immediately slammed by dorm door and started sobbing uncontrollably. If I'd had joined, they'd would've been still here. What kind of hero am I?

Aizawa's POV
Poor kid. I tried to comfort him but he ran back to his dorm. I went back to class and everyone looked at me with worried and concerned expressions. "Where's Kaminari?" Kirishima asks. "Im only going to tell y'all this once so listen. Kaminari's parents were found murdered at night. So I'm counting on you guys to comfort him and make him feel happy" as I was done talking Denki came into class with red puffy eyes.

Kaminari's POV
"Denki what are doing here?" Aizawa asks. "I didn't want to stay at my dorm." I said not making eye contact with him. I ignore everyone who tried to talk to me. During the lessons. I didn't listen at all. I was tired and sad. When it was time for lunch everyone left except Bakugou, Sero, Kirishima, Shinsou, Jirou and Mina. I just stayed at my desk, until they came up to me. "Hey bro, you gonna eat?" Kirishima said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head. "Come on you have to eat." Shinsou said. I turned my head away, looking outside the window. "This is not the Denki we remembered -" "I'm going back to the dorms okay?!" I said as i ran out. I sat down on the floor, hugging my legs. I just wanted some space.

I sighed and my older sister, Kelliana started to call me. I knew she couldn't comfort me because she is in college right now. I answered it and I could hear that she had tears falling off her face because of her sobbing. "Oh my god Denki did you find out-" "I did, I did Kelli..." I said as I wiped the tears off my face. "God I wish I could come over but- I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't be here to comfort you right now.." Kelli said. I smiled sadly. "It's okay" I said. "Well I have to get back to work so feel better and I love you" my sister said before hanging up. 'I love you too.' I said to myself. After a few minutes I hear my door creak open. I turn around and I feel arms wrapped around me. "Jirou?" I said. "I'm sorry for being there for you! Even though you were there for me and now, you're the one in pain, and all I did was stand there and do nothing." She said as he cried into my shoulder. "You're my hero Denki." When she said those four words I remembered the day my quirk manifested. "We're so proud of you Denki! You're my hero!" My mother said. I started forming tears in my eyes and hugged her tightly.

"No, I'm fine, Jirou look at me, I'm fine." I said as she looked up at me as I smiled brightly. 'I'm going to be your hero Jirou, I promise that.' I thought to myself.

My Girl (kamiJirou depressed! Jirou x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now