And Loves Will Come

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

"And loves will come and there will be no fears and you will have happiness. I'll leave a light on, the window open and love will come here. Love will come"

il Volo

One month later...

When he was 12, his Baba had talked for the first time about what love was. He said that one day someone would come to make him feel a lot of emotions, some that not even he would understand, but that those feelings would be so strong he would only want to be with that person.

"Like your mum and I, for example, we have been together for years Zayn, but since the first moment I saw her I knew she'd be the woman of my life, that she was the right one for me. And someday, son, someone will come to turn your world upside-down, and you have to be careful because, when you fall in love, you also are giving that person the power to destroy you"

"Feelings are something very complicated, son, but if one day you fall deep in love, don't hold back, give yourself completely Zayn, love with all your might, and do not ever be afraid to show it. It's not necessary to say 'I love you' all the time. Love is not said with words, it is demonstrated with actions. Because one day that person may no longer be by your side"

That had been one of the most deep and honest talks he had with his father, and despite being only 12, he understood perfectly because he thought he was in love with a girl from his class.

But the day he actually experienced those things was when he started to pay attention to some green eyes and a dimple smile, is not that he had never noticed his classmate, but that particular day when the curly boy had stood up in the middle of the classroom to sing 'God Saves The Queen' he understood and felt what his Baba was talking about.

"And now here I am, trying to hate what I loved the most" Zayn thought while looking through the kitchen window.

The kids had already gone with Harry to the school 15 minutes ago; the curly had recovered his job as a music professor after both had talked with the head teacher promising there wouldn't be any troubles with the teaching staff because of Harry's fame.

The woman was a bit hesitant because she wasn't very fond of the idea of having photographers and journalists around at all hours, the students could get distracted and that would cause more problems with the parents; but thankfully everything had gone well and the brown-haired was now giving classes again.

The media had finally stopped following them (Harry, Zayn, and the kids), he was so relieved, it was very tiring to be followed with cameras everywhere, those people even tried to enter his office many times, and lets not talk about the weekends when he and Zayn liked to take the kids to the park or go for a walk; the life of a famous was tiring.

He got out of his thoughts when he heard his phone ringing. He placed his cup of coffee on the counter and went to the table at the entrance to pick up the call, he couldn't avoid the grunt that escaped his lips once he saw the name of the person who was calling.

"Hello?" he spoke while picking up the car keys and his briefcase to leave for work.

"Mister Malik, I'm sorry for calling this early, but I can't make an advertising campaign without models," the voice from the other end of the call said, "Miss Edwards told me you haven't approved them yet cause you had things off last minute to resolve, but please explain me now how am I suppose to promote the new stock of cars without models, mister Malik"

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