Song For you

899 38 19

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

The boys couldn't get out of amazement, what Harry was saying was unbelievable, they had been together as a band for so many years, they had lived so many things together that it was impossible not to know something so important like what the brown-haired lad was telling them.

When Harry lifted his head to see the expressions of the boys, he wanted to curl himself like a ball and cry more than how was crying at the moment, remembering his past, his children, and Zayn it was too overwhelming. Niall was crying on Liam's shoulder hugging him, Louis had teary eyes and a disappointed look on his face, and the only one who hadn't any expression was Liam, as if he could not believe yet that one of his best friends, his brother, was such a cruel person.

"Things didn't work out as we planned, it was so hard to finish prep, the twins consumed all our time, then Zayn had to work full time, our parents helped us but the responsibility was ours." he sobbed, "The day after my 18th birthday I realized that I was giving up on my dreams, I saw that the day when I would go to the music university and be what I am now was very far away, I thought I wasn't completely happy, thought that Zayn and the kids had stagnant me, that's when I decided that I wanted to do something to get out of where I was, I decided to come to London and try luck; I saw an X Factor announcement and knew that was my chance." he finished.

"You said you thought you weren't happy" Liam pointed out "Are you happy now, Harry?"

The curly denied with his head rapidly still crying.

"No, I'm not" he sobbed more. "Every time I think about what I've done it hurts so much, I'm a horrible person, I've abandoned the only good things that had happened in my life. I love to be in the band, love the concerts, the fans, the music but... at the end of the day the pain returns and never leaves."

"Now... now that I am a father, I can't see myself anywhere without my son, I can't understand how could you leave them. I would die without my baby." Louis said disappointed.

Harry gave a pained sigh and turned his face away, the times he thought about this moment, of how he would tell his partners, he always pictured that it would be when he already had solved his past and not like this.

"And what are you going to do now?" Liam felt that he had heard enough, so he decided to take the seriousness that the topic required.

"I don't know..." Harry mumbled.

"Alright, this is what you're gonna do." Liam got up and went to sit next to him drying his tears. "We are going to do a press conference, we're going to tell them that we decided to give us a break as a band, something temporary" he stressed for the other two who nodded in agreement "After that, you'll take the first bus, train, plane, horse, donkey or whatever to Bradford, at the first hour in the following morning. " Harry was only nodding at the seriousness that his partner was showing. "You are going to go to recover your children and that man for who you are like this. Understood? No more shit Harry, you will get them back, or else forget about being part of One Direction again, is that clear? Even if all the fans became against us."

The curly nodded scared, Liam had always been the most mature of the four of them, and now he was showing it in all its glory. Niall and Louis had agreed with Liam's words, the three got up from their places and said goodbye to him.

Once the boys left his room, Harry started to cry again like he hadn't in a long time, he went for his wallet and took out the photograph, he looked at it for a long time, he was determined to recover his family, even if it would mean to crawl, beg and humiliate himself, he would do it. He would do it for them, for HIS family, and if his place was already taken, God help that person cause he wouldn't give up so easily.


The conference had been a little traumatic, there were tears, screams, and begs, it had been an awful experience but he needed to order his priorities, and he was sorry but his career wasn't one of them anymore. They had talked to the managers and all the production, he left his lawyers in charge of everything, he had a trip to do and a life to recover.


Once he arrived at Bradford it was 6 pm already. He went to pick up his luggage and headed to the bathroom to take off his disguise, he washed his face carefully, took off the contact lenses that he put it in the morning, took off the blonde wig, and changed his clothes completely to a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. He got out of the airport and took a cab, he gave the driver the address of the house he once shared with Zayn and the car started.

He was dying of nerves and fear, he was hoping they would still living in the same place; he sighed deeply and messed up his curls. He didn't know anything about them, not what Zayn's life had been or the kids; his mum and sister didn't speak to him. He had lost so much for things that didn't fill him...

When the car got near the house, he felt like all the air was leaving his lungs, he told the driver to please wait for him and got out of the car.

Everything was still the same, except that they had more garden, there were two bicycles on the porch, and a little tree house in front of the main house.

He cleared his throat and gave himself courage, it was now or never, he was hoping someone would be in the house, so with one last push of courage he rang the bell.

He waited for a couple of minutes and was about to ring again when a man, taller than he remembered, with long black hair and a beautifully trimmed beard, opened the door. "Shit, this can not be Zayn", but when those eyes looked at him, he knew he was in the right place. He wanted to say so many things, he wanted to hug him, fill the gorgeous man in front of him with kisses, he was so goddamn handsome and sexy. But the only thing he could say was...

"Hello Zayn"

I am curious guys, what would you do if you were Zayn?

The second time I read this I asked myself this question to my brothers, you know, what would you do if your children's mother did this... (what Harry did)? and one of them got furious, he said "I wouldn't even let her speak to me"

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