The Life Of A Father

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Disclaimer: none of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

After arriving at his office, Zayn said hello to his assistant, a young girl with black straight hair and blue eyes, he dedicated her one "good morning" and a smile, and then he got into his office to check his agenda and pending works. Being a company's manager wasn't an easy duty and even less being a neophyte in charge, he had only been for two months, but the gainings that the company managed reflected that he was doing a good job.

He turned on the computer and opened the files on his desk, a little rattle was heard on the door, and he mumbled a soft "come on in" while preparing to start to work.

"Here's your coffee Mr. Malik, I remind you that you have a meeting at 10 in the E saloon, another meeting at 11:30 with Mr. Jenkins, and at 12:15 a video conference with Audi's CEO, then you have a meal at 2:30 with the "The New Cadillac" project investors, that's all the important of the day"

"Thank you, Miss Singer, I'll call you if I need something else"

"Yes, sir, excuse me"


Both meetings passed very fast in his opinion, but he was happy because it was a Monday morning, he wasn't moody. Before going to the video conference room, he took another coffee from the machine in the office, once with the blessed coffee in his hands, he went to Perrie's office, she is in charge of maintaining the relations with all the other company's they manage, he knocked on the door of the blonde's office and got inside without an answer, he knew she wouldn't get mad, in fact, she'll be waiting for him already.

"You're finally here, there are 5 minutes left to start the meeting"

"Sorry, Jenkins wouldn't stop talking, I even explained a thousand times that the new models they bring will be put on sell on next winter, but he seemed not to understand. Can we go now?" he finished explaining with an exhalation, he had suffered a good while hearing Jenkins repeat what he already explained many times. He saw Perrie smile and nod to encourage him, he made a face and both walked to the video conference room.


"Thank you very much for your response, we'll send you the contracts in the shortest possible time"

"We'll be looking forward, have a good day you both" answered the man who was looking at them through the screen, both of them said their goodbyes, and when the projector turned off and the lights turned on, they started to pick up the files.

"See you at lunchtime?"

"Don't think so, I have a meal with investors" he answered while they were getting out of the conference room.

"Okay, good luck" The blonde went to the elevator while Zayn walked to the restaurant where the meeting would be, even if all his days were like this, he enjoyed it because it kept his mind busy all the time, and when arrived home, it allowed him to concentrate in his children. His babies, he loved them so much that was sure he had a stupid smile on his face right now, but he didn't care, the twins were his life and even if it wasn't easy to raise them alone, he was grateful for having them in his life.

The meal finished quickly, and he got back to his office and back to business there, when the clock turned 3:40 he got up to go for his children to school, he headed for the parking lot of the building and once in the car, he turned on the radio to make the trip enjoyable, the office and the school were not too far from each but he always liked the punctuality and that was something he followed to the letter. Already at the school entrance, he checked his watch, it was 3:55, and his kids wouldn't be too long to go out when he saw the first children getting out, he got out of the car for his kids to see him, once they spotted him he made a gesture with his hand to be noticed so they could go to him.

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