Constantly Mine

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

"And in my arms, I want to feel you, constantly mine, I close my eyes and here you are, in the middle of my tears and everything else"

Constantemente Mía - il Volo

Apparently, the mornings were made for him to think about everything, those brief minutes in between being asleep and waking up have been always the worst because he loved to sleep, but now this constant overthinking was added and it was hell.

Today wasn't different, he didn't want to get up, and he was tired, physically and mentally. He was hoping today could be one of those days when in the blink of an eye you're already in bed again, but something inside was telling him it wouldn't happen.

He buried his face in his pillow and sighed 'Come on Zayn, get up' he grunted to himself, he knew perfectly well the reason for his tiredness, well... the reasons, because apparently life was a bitch with him and put him in situations that a human couldn't afront; okay, maybe he was being over dramatic, but still, he was convinced that someone up there hated him and decided to make him go through all the bad things that already happened.

And all those reasons affecting him had a name, the first reason was Harry 'damn the time he came back', well honestly he didn't curse it that much anymore, but he was falling again, he knew and feel it, but he did not want to do it, he wanted to hate him, to reject him, to hurt him as much as he had hurt him, but every day when the curly arrives at his home with that dimpled smile and those shiny green eyes and those beautiful brown curls, fuck, he can't avoid to look him more than he should. And it gets worse whenever he's with their children, talking to them fondly, laughing, playing with them or simply hearing them, it makes him want to hug him from behind and get him closer... or the times when he waits for him to come back from work to eat dinner with the kids or sometimes only the two when he comes back late from work; those moments are an oasis.

There were times when he would find himself looking at the clock in his office waiting for the hours to pass fast so he could go home and find Harry in the kitchen singing a song and then gifting him a smile and then asking him how was his day... Maybe what he misses the most is to feel part of someone.

And that's where the other reason with name makes its appearance, Andrej...

The first time he saw him he found the guy pretty, even if his clothes and long hair didn't like him that much, he wasn't too attracted to boys who like to dress as women, but the next day when he went to 'supervise' the campaign (he was only curious to see the guy again but shh) and saw him with a black Calvin suit and his blonde hair short, he got surprised, his androgynous features favored him but he didn't look like a girl at all, he looked very handsome and probably exactly like Zayn's type.

By the time the guy noticed he was there, he wasted no time sending him flirtatious looks or suggestive smiles, it was obvious that the blonde was attracted by him and that he was no fool, he knew Zayn was a bit interested too.

In the beginning, the cheeky personality of the model had been very annoying, but in the last few days Zayn was feeling different, he was flattered and intrigued by the guy, and he started to have that kind of feeling when you find something new and you feel anxious and nervous and excited to discover more and more about it, but at the same time he was scared, very scared; his heart was still hurt, the 9 years he lived without Harry had been the worst, in romantic aspects specifically.

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