I Will Wait

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This is the song that inspired the author for this chapter, I tried to find it with English subtitles but couldn't.

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

Because you left like this, without looking back.
I Will Wait - Il Volo

Both stayed staring at each other for some time which seemed like hours, none made any movement, Zayn couldn't believe it, it had to be a nightmare. Surprise gave way to disbelief and then anger, he took a deep breath and closed the door to grab Harry by his arm and drag him far from the house.

"Ouch," the brown-haired complained.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Zayn was more than furious, he wanted to break the face of the asshole standing in front of him so badly. "Better don't say anything," he said before Harry could open his mouth. He took him halfway to the garden, he didn't want the children to hear his screams and get scared. "You're... You're... God! I don't even have words to describe how I'm feeling right now by seeing you."

"Zayn... I..." Harry tried to say something, but from one moment to the next he felt that his voice was gone.

"You? You are a big asshole." he commented, "What the fuck are you doing here? I thought I would never see you again in my whole life, no I wished so, and now you're here like nothing" he said incredulous, "I want you to leave immediately, I don't want to see you near here." the black-haired was staring directly at his eyes, Harry felt hurt, even if he wasn't expecting a nice welcome he never thought that Zayn would treat him like this. "Leave, Harry is the best thing you know to do."

"No-No I... I want-"

"You want? You think I care about what you want..." he laughed sarcastically, "You're not welcome here, I don't know what you're looking for, but I swear that what you left here doesn't exist anymore."

"Zayn, please let me talk." the brown-haired lad begged.

"Now you want to talk, after 8 fucking years you want to talk." After that statement, he heard the front door opening and saw his daughter peeking through the door. Harry turned towards her in that instant and felt his heart beating fast, he felt like he was drowning, right there, just a few meters away was his daughter, her locks brown and curly, her skin white, she was so big and beautiful, more than he remembered.

Zayn, seeing Meg outside, panicked, he didn't want Harry to see them or talk to them, he wasn't going to let him break their hearts as he did with him.

"Baba, you'll miss Ash's song." the little girl scolded, her Baba loved that song, and she knew he would get sad if he didn't hear it, she didn't want her Baba sad cause his smile was beautiful and it made her happy.

"I'm- I'm coming love." the black-haired cleared his throat, "I just say goodbye to Baba's friend and go with you."

The kid nodded and gifted a smile to Harry. "Goodbye, Baba's friend." after saying that, she got back inside the house. Zayn turned towards Harry again and looked at him more furious, but he tried to control himself and not scream at him again.

"Fine, you want to talk, and as I see, if I don't grant you that, you won't leave us in peace, so come tomorrow around three in the afternoon."

"She's perfect..." Harry mumbled still looking towards the house, he had heard Zayn's words, but he still couldn't believe he had seen his little girl.

"Not thanks to you, that's for sure." the honey-eyed stated harshly. "Now leave, Harry, we'll talk tomorrow."

Harry turned his face to look at him one more time and nodded, he lowered his head and mumbled "See you tomorrow", there was no point in talking now, the best was to leave cause every second that passed, he felt that he was going to weaken his will and end up getting in by that door to see his children even if Zayn would try to stop him. He hadn't any doubt now that they were what he most loved in the world and he would fight for them, even if the whole world turned against him, he was going to recover them.

A Life Away From You // Zarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें