Come Back To Me - A Friends Talk

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

Once he arrived at his office he asked the assistant for a coffee while turning on the computer and checking some files that were placed on the desk, when his coffee was delivered he took a sip and put himself on the hands-free device so he could answer the calls without stopping working.

Some minutes later he heard the door open again and he knew who it was without having to look, there was only one person in this company who doesn't give a shit that he is the boss, and that never asks permission to get in.

"You need something?" he asked typing again, when he didn't get an answer he lifted his head. The blonde was staring at him with a look on her face that said "I want to know everything" and he knew he had to comply otherwise she would take the words out of him with punches, and his arm and chest knew very well that that would happen.

He took off the hands-free, sipped his coffee, and tousled his long hair a little. "He came home a week ago, on a Saturday night and he wanted to talk but I couldn't do it with the kids near to us, so I told him to come back the next day, that's why I left the twins at your house" the blonde nodded, "we talked about what happened, he... he said he was sorry for what he did and that he regrets it a lot" Perrie scoffed, "and he told me he wanted to be part of our lives again, that he wanted to have contact with the kids and, I swear I was going to say no, to say that he would never see them again, that he had lost every right to be with them but I... fuck I couldn't, they need him, Perrie, they had always asked Anne about him and I only know that because she told me, they have been asking lots of questions about his dad to Anne and Gemma this whole time and I just couldn't" he sighed, "they love him, if you could saw how they reacted when hey meet his father was back, I almost cry myself too. They need both of us."

"And you need him too?" she asked with a serious tone.

"This is not about me or about what Harry and I had" Zayn denied with his head, "this is about them, but if you ask me, a little help is very welcome, even more now that the new campaigns are coming. My parents, my sisters, and even his family will not be happy with my decision, but I am only looking for my children's happiness and the best for them, and if they love Harry and want him to be part of their lives, I won't let anybody to take him away from them." he finished serious.

"First of all, you're an idiot, he will do the same thing again" Perrie pointed, "it's like a Phoenix Zayn, those kinds that you can not hold back because they love their freedom, and he is also a star, you really think he's going to be okay with a simple and home life?" she scoffed, "the moment you least expect he will disappear and you will never see him again, and when that happens the whole world will say "I told you" and you will crack again because of him."

"But if there's something I can admire is the guts he had to come back to you to ask for something that, if it was me, I would already accept it as lost. So tell him that he is on trial, and if he breaks your heart again it will be my fist the one he'll have on his face and I will hang up his member in my office as a collection." Perrie got up from the chair and headed to the door.

"Perrie..." she stopped and turned towards him, "Thank you for listening."

"You are my brother Zayn, and I love you" the girl smiled, "ugh, now I'll have to wash my mouth with soap for the cheesy things I just said." both laughed a little and she left the office.

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