Chapter 7

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Melody POV
"It was so bad. He started asking about Vicky and I didn't know what to tell him. I just snapped on him basically." I hold my tea over my blanket as Blessing lays down.

"Well is it such a bad thing to tell him that Vicky is his daughter-"

"Of course! He wont be here forever. He leaves in one and a half months in which he will be dead before that." I mumble the last part.

Blessing's head snaps towards me.

"You're planning on killing him!" She says shocked.

"Well yea. He ruined my life and the only good thing I got out of it was you and Vicky. Thats why I called Jase."I shrug

" cant just go around killing people Melody. I thought when you said you were calling Jase you were just gonna have him get dirt on Vince and embarrass him..not frickin kill him!" Blessing snaps

"When does this killing happen?!" She asks urgently getting out of the bed.

"About a week and a half"

"Do me a favor. Cancel it" She says sternly.

I get off the bed immediately, "No! Are you crazy. First of all you cant just tell Jase not to do a job because he always does the job and second I want this." I point to myself confidently.

"If you go through with this then Im done." she crosses her arms.

"Done? W-what do you mean done. You cant be done. We are in this together remember" I look at her in disbelief.

Is this really my best friend standing in front of me. At this point I can hardly believe because of the way she is acting right now.

"I remember. But that was before I found out this was a homicide. I refuse to be apart of this." She turns to the door.


She stops and turns to me with a patient expression.

"Ill try to get Jase to call it off." I sigh in defeat.

Losing Blessing is worse than not killing Vince. Id rather keep her in my life since she is one of the very few who care for me.



She smiles and walks out of the room saying, "VICKY COME GET READY FOR SCHOOL".

Well time to get ready for work.

I walk into the building seeing the usual; determined and dedicated people all surrounding a screen with celebrity gossip, interns learning about the business, Staff doing paperwork, Some people in the break room grabbing their morning coffee and finally Nikki sitting at her desk ;that is just outside of my office; typing away on her lap top.

I roll my eyes and walk into my office but someones in my chair...Logan.

"What do you think you are doing." I say through clenched teeth.

"Oh you came to work...well you didn't have to seeing as The big big boss said that you have a vacation leave."

"What do you mean" I ask panicked

Logan laughs and kicks his feet up on my desk which just pisses me off.

"You are not needed here for the next month. Its your vacation"

"Thats ridiculous. I don't need a vacation." I set my files on the table.

"But you have to take it. Boss says so and if not you my dear are fired"

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