Chapter 17

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Blessing POV

I feel like I am absolutely done with Melody now because I have had it with her. She used to be my best friend and now I dont even know who the fuck she is anymore. All she does now is bring trouble where ever she goes. I just wish I never met her or talked to her stupid I shouldnt say that. If I never met her than I would have never got to be apart of Vicky's life and that little girl is just my bundle of happiness. Does Mel even care about her?

All I know is that Mel has secrets and Im gonna figure out what they are. After finally settling in I walk out of my "room" and pass Maria in the hall.

"Hey Maria. Which room is Vicky's?"

"The last door on the right"She smiles and I thank her before walking down the hall and stopping at the door with Vicky's name in lavender letters.

I knock on the door three times, "Vicky its me."

I place my ear to the door hearing nothing. "Vicky?"

Nothing. I push the door open and my eyes immediatley widen in shock as I run towards the five year old laying on the ground with blood coming out of her nose.

"Oh my gosh MELODY VINCE SOMEONE CALL 911" I scream as tears fall down my face.

I pull Vicky onto my lap and Vince and Mel run in with panicked faces.

"MARIA CALL 911" Vince orders and she pulls out a phone.

"WHAT DID YOU DO" Mel yells bending down to my level.

I dont even answer her, I just kept sobbing.




Melody POV

How can things be so amazing one minute and then turn into pure shit the next. Im sitting in a waiting room at 5 pm, while Vince is talking to a bunch of paps and trying to get them to leave, Maria is out getting food for us, and Blessing has her head in her hands sitting in the corner. Vince walks through the door just as a doctor comes out. Blessing and I immediatley stand up.

"How is she" Blessing asks

"She is stable now. Just resting and we gave her a pill that she is sleeping on, it should wear off in another hour." Doc explains

"What was wrong with her?" I ask

"Well Miss Victoria had consumed a large amount of ...weed and its effect was too much for her small body to handle-"

"Thats impossible where could she get weed from. None of us smoke." Vince argues as Blessing glares at me and I gulp.

"Y-Yea we dont smoke" I add.

"Well it was in her body and the detectives found the plastic she took it from. It is because of that, that we will be keeping Vicky under our care and when she is well..she will be sent to a foster home." He explains.


"The decison is final. This child can not be under your care if little things are left around for her to be put in danger. You are all not fit to be proper parents and until we know whose weed it all can not see her and if you do not leave I will have security escort you out." He begins to walk away but turns back.

"You are very lucky she is even alive." He states and walks through the door.
Walking into Vicky's like walking into death. You feel nothing because the life that once was there is gone. The thing that made every day worth something is gone. I sigh and place the box on her bed before beginning to place all her stuff in it.

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