Chapter 25

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Blessing POV
"Oh my gosh." I say under my breath as I read the text.

"What is it?" Logan asks as we walk out of the theatre.

"Its M-Mel....she said they're in trouble."

"I thought you didnt want to help her."
He asks

"I dont...but Jason has Vicky and Vince." I state looking up at him.

"Lets go." He says seriously.

Melody POV
Jason holds a knife near Vince's neck as Vince flinches a little. Vicky stands in the corner crying as she looks fron Jason to Vince to me.

I give her an assuring look that its gonna be ok and she shuts her eyes tight.

"Whats taking you so long huh....why dont you just do it already. Kill me." Vince says lazily.

Jason smirks at him before punching Vince in the gut as Vince coughs up blood. I cover my mouth in shock and Vicky cries harder.

"Trust me. I want to kill you...but you know what...maybe I should let my wife do the honors." Jason states looking at me and Vince follows his gaze.

"Seriously. Im hear getting beat up and you still have more things you havemt told me?!" Vince snaps my way.

"Jason and I were young and stupid-"

"Yet you said you loved me about an hour ago." Jason smirks amd Vinces face falls.

"NO MY MOMMY LOVES MY DADDY." Vicky yells from the corner.

Jason walks towards her but I rush and stand in between them.

"Dont you dare lay a hand on my baby." I snap amd he clenches his jaw before walking towards the door.

"Ill be back...and when I come back...he better be dead." With that Jason walks out and locks the door.

"Are you ok baby." I touch all over Vicky's face and she sniffles.

"I wanna go home mommy."

"We wi-"

"Stop filling her head up with so much hope." Vince interrupts and I turn to him.

"E-excuse me."

"You heard me. Stop acting like you care when all you've done is run away." He snaps

"I didnt have a choice. I was protecting you guys-"

"Yea whatever. Just dont talk to me. Kill me and get this over with." He states looking at the blood on the floor.

"I dont want to kill you Vince." I whisper.

"But you did."

I stay quiet.

"Let me ask you something. Do you...have feelings for him?"

"I...I love him." I finally say and look at Vince for a reaction but all he does is clench his jaw.

"What about m-me?"

"I like you Vince..and I care about you but..."

"Not like I never thought that this would be the way we'd break up." He states.

We stay silent for a while; with the occasional sniffles coming from Vicky.

Soon the door bursts open and Blessing comes running in with Logan.

"Blessing! You came." I say half shocked and half excited.

"Look what you caused." She snaps at me and rushes over to Vicky.

Logan goes over to Vince and tries to crack open the lock with his pocket knife. Then he does the same for Vicky.

"Alright lets get out of here." Logan orders but just as we are about to go, Jason barges in looking...pissed.

"Great..trouble." He mutters as he pulls out his gun and Vince pulls Vicky behind him as we all move back.

"J-jason just let us go." I stutter.

" You live here now babe." He grabs me and pulls me next to him.

"Aye come on let her go Jason-"

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason snaps at Logan.

"Logan." He says confidently stepping forward and I just shake my head for him to not come any closer.

"Oh we got a smart ass" Jason states cocking his gun.

"Jason please do-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Jason shoots Logan in the leg and he falls to the floor.

"NOOO"Blesing and I yell at the same time.

Vince lunges forward and knocks the gun right out of Jasons hands as they start wrestling and pounding on each other hard.

"Get Vicky out now!" I tell Blessing and she nods as they try to go to the door but some of Jasons men come in.

Blessing backs up holding Vicky's arm and I push them to the corner and stand in front of them as they get closer.

Spotting the gun I shakily pick it up and shoot two of them as they fall to the floor instantly.


I look at Vince who is in a choke hold by Jason.

Blessing runs towards them and tackles Jason who just slaps her across the face as Vince stands up and so does Logan but he looks in pain.

Jason gets up and goes forceful at Vince but Logan punches Jason square in the jaw as I help Blessing up.

"You ok." I ask and she breaks out of my hold; running towards Vicky; to cover her just as a knife flies through the air and hits Blessing in the shoulder.

She screams in pain and grabs her shoulder where the knife is planted.

"BLESSING" I shriek as Vicky cries in horror.

I look at One of Jasons men who threw it.

"Was that suppose to be for my daughter." I say with attitude and anger as he smirks.

"Wasnt suppose to be for the wall was it." He retorts and I automatically shoot him in the head.

"Fuck you." I snap at his dead body.

I soon hear a gunshot go off. And I turn to see Logan falling to the floor. I rush over and catch his body in my hands as he struggles to breathe.

"This is enough." I whisper to myself as I stand up with blood all over me. I take out the gun and hold it up; aiming at Jason.

"Go guys." I order as Blessing and Vince just stand there.

"I SAID GO." I yell and Vince carries Vicky as he grabs Blessing and pulls them out the door.

" gonna shoot me baby. I thought you loved me." He smirks

"Thats the messed up part. I do. I just dont know why." I snap

"Cause I fucked you better than-"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. Im tired of everything you have to say. Because of you...everything is so out of hand. Then you bring my baby into it doesnt work like that." I cock the gun as he raises his hands.

"You wouldnt shoot me." He states confidently.

Just as Im about to shoot, police bust through the door and Jason smirks as he looks at me.

"HANDS UP AND GET DOWN NOW!" They yell and I do just that as I glare at Jason.

It hurts knowing that he's satisfied.

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