Chapter 19

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Blessing POV
"Right this way Ms. Villegas. Victoria was moved to a different room since she is not in a critical position anymore and is under recovery." The doctor guides me down the hall.

"So the um...ehem...weed is out of her system?" I ask

"100 percent clear of it and here we are." He states motioning to the door.

My palms get a little sweaty as I give him a small nod and he walks off. I havent seen Vicky in a couple of days and I dont know how she will react once she sees me. I shakily place my hand on the door and open it; walking in to see the beautiful brown haired little girl sitting up in her bed in a hospital gown while watching Bella and the Bulldogs.

"Hey you." I smile a little and Vicky snaps her head my way; a huge smile forming over her face.

"Aunt Blessing! You're here!" she says excitedly as I walk over and give her a hug.

"I thought mommy was coming to see me." She states as we pull away.

"Yea but I really wanted to see you so mommy let me go first." I reply before taking a seat in the chair next to her bed.

"Well Im glad you came but when can I leave. I miss my bed." She pouts and I sort of choke up a little.

How do I tell a five year old that she cant come home...that she cant be with us anymore and that this might be the last time she sees a familiar face unless the cops catch who's weed it is.

"I dont know baby but just know we all love you so much ok and everything is gonna be alright." I pat her covered leg.

"I love you guys too and Im glad daddy is finally back." She smiles as she turns and watches TV.

It was about 3 hours till Vicky fell asleep in her hospital bed while Spongebob played on the TV.

"Excuse me Ms. Villegas,visiting time is over." The Doctor states coming into the room.

I stand from the chair and kiss Vicky's head and stroke her hair. Im gonna miss this little girl. I walk out with the doctor and he walks me to the doors.

"Ms.Villegas. I have some good news."

I turn to him confused.

"The police have figured out whose weed it was and once you and Mr. Yale are cleared to see if you have any on you...Vicky will be able to be under the custody of Mr. Yale." He states

"Wait what about me...her mom." I say nervously.

"Trust me...Blessing. I knew you were not her mother but It looked like you made her happy. Your visit was very much appreciated." He smiles

"Um well thank you. So does this mean the cops are after-"

"Ms.villegas. Yes. We need Mr.Yale to come in and sign the papers for the release and custody of Vicky Yale and...maybe sign some gloves or two." He mumbles the last part and I roll my eyes.

"Ok So when will Vicky be able to come home?" I ask

"If the papers are filled tomorrow then she can go home as soon as tonorrow." He explains and I nod thanking him for everything before walking out of the hospital in the late night.

I get in my car and look at the time; eight pm. I quickly grab my phone and before I dial the number I look at it. Should I. I honestly shouldn't after everything thats happened.

But she's my bestfriend. I sigh shaking my head.

"Bitch better be worth it." I mumble.

I begin driving as I dial the familiar number when something zooms in front of my car , causing it to lose control.

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