Chapter 21

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Melody POV
"Aw come on babe. Cheer up." Jason says.

"Why should I. I feel like my world is falling apart. I should be use to it by now though. Just didnt know it was gonna hurt this much." I mumble the last part.

Its quiet and I hear Jason sigh to himself. He makes a turn and I sit up.

"What are you doing?! The train station is that way." I say confused.

"Yea well I have a surprise for you. Maybe it will cheer you up." He states and I stay quiet.

"Oh by the way you have your job back. But I said you were out dealing with a family crisis so you'll need a week off." He states

"What! What about Brice?!"

"Oh...I killed her." He shrugs

"Oh my gosh what! You k-killed her?"

"Well not me but I got some of my boys on it. To the media she committed suicide." He explains, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I cant believe this." I whisper to myself.

Brice is dead!?

"A thankyou Jason would be nice." Jason smirks

I just look at him in shock as I try to process everything.

"Alright we're here. Theres a window on the side so just climb up and into it and there ya go." He says and I look up to see we are at Vicky's hospital.

" Oh my gosh!" I unbuckle my belt but then stop.

"Wait how did you-"

"Dont ask. I give you 5 minutes."" He says and I hop out of the car and rush down towards the window he was talking about.

It wasnt too far up and with three tries I hoisted myself over the ledge and hopped in to see my beautiful baby sleeping.

She looked so much better. Her skin had its full color back and her hair looked tamed, thanks to the nurses. I smile as I get closer to the bed and hold her hand as she slept.

"Im so sorry baby. I hate how everything is but I know that you will always be that light in the dark for me. Things will get better." I whisper.

A small tear slips down my cheak as I move the hair out of her face. I kiss her forehead before whispering goodbye.
New York...a place where most people move to for opportunities..I moved away cause it was my own hell that I vowed I would never come back to yet look at me now. My brown hair has resurfaced and I dont have my contacts so In stuck with my brown eyes. I left and came back the same.

Jason gives the taxi driver his money before pulling me out of the car. We grab our bags and make our way up the steps of the big apartment. I stop in front of the third door and Jason waits impatiently for me to ring the bell.

"Just fucking do it." He sneers and I look at him.

"Why did you bring us here?" I look at him as he clenches his jaw and shoves me out the way.

He rings the bell and I freeze in place as I hear rummaging from inside. The door opens and I look up and meet the annoyed gaze of my mother. She still looks the same; high, dirty, and angry.

When she looks at me she smirks,"Well looks who's back."

I look down, not saying anything.

"Who are you"she asks Jason.

"Hello ma'am Im Jason, Melody's husband." He introduces and I cringe when he says that specific word.

"Husband!" She says surprised and I look up at her.

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