Chapter 16

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Blessing POV

"So you're saying that if I leave him..ill get 5,000 plus his limo." Angel asks leaning over my desk.

"Mhm and more if you play your cards right." I smirk.

"I dont know. I really love chris-"

"Oh for goodness sake bitch you love his money." I snap and she looks at me in shock.

"Im so sorr-"

"Dont!" She holds her hand up to silence me.

"You're right...I love his money....but I cant just leave him because we have a kid together." She whispers as if there were other people in my office.

"Really!" I say in shock and she nods biting her lip.

"Ok this can be handled. Just give me some time to figure this out." I say more to myself and she rolls her eyes.

"Ive gone to other people in the amount of time you took before. The more time you take the more trash that is talked about me-"

"Well you just gave me new information and whether you like it or not we have to go about this the right way in order to make sure more shit doesn't happen in the future." I explain and she huffs standing up and grabbing her bag before storming out.

Gosh. I hate dealing with famous people but I love my job. Im so contradicting.

I look at the text Vince sent me.

V-hey they found out about Mel and me plz.

I quickly delete it and place my phone on my desk.

Melody POV
I smile at Vince and Vicky who are in the living room watching "Sophia the first" while eating popcorn.

We are currently at Vince's house and I just picked Vicky up from her babysitter and Vince wanted to spend time with her so here we are. I got home pretty late after coming from Jason then Vince's house. Blessing was pissed and of course we went to bed pissed off at each other.

"Babe I think you're enjoying the show more than Vicky." I giggle as he walks into the kitchen.

"Its a good show" he shrugs smiling; lifting me onto the counter.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck as he stands between my legs.

"So I was thinking...that you and Vicky should move in." He whispers and I pull away fast.

"Wait really."I look into his eyes that held hopefulness.

"Yea I love having you guys here...having us together." He tightens his grip on me.

"This is my shot at another chance Mel." He whispers and I smile.

"Let me think about it ok."

His face drops slightly and I kiss him quickly and then he nods.

"Now let me down so I can make lunch."

He places me on my feet again and kisses my cheek before walking back to the living room.

Blessing POV
Its 8 pm. Melody just walked through the door with Vicky and I give Vicky a hug.

"Hey sweetie how was your dads house." I smile down at her.

"Its so big and we watched Sophia the first on this huge TV and played barbies and did make overs." She says excitedly.

"Sounded like fun. Why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow."

Vicky nods and runs upstairs as I turn to face Mel whose taking her jacket off.

"What?" She asks rudely.

" that all you have to say. I am through the fucking roof now because it turns out our house is being sold."

"What!" She looks at me shocked.

"Yes...someone sent out papers and the money is coming from your bank account. I got the call from the real estate today." I explain

"Did you try to stop him." She asks

"Of course but he said the same thing that the past ones said. I cant buy it back. Its too late. This house is out of our hands tomorrow morning."

"So soon-"

"Oh don't act like you care." I roll my eyes.

"What is that suppose to mean."

"It means you haven't given a damn about anything but your precious plan that Im sure you still are going through with-"

"You don't know shit."She glares

"You're right...cause my best friend isn't standing in front of me." With that I walk up to my room; making sure I slammed the door.

Melody POV
I knock on the door and in a few minutes Vince opens the door rubbing his eyes.

"Hey babe...You're right we should move in." I say and he looks at us crazily.

Im holding Vicky in one arm and them my large suit case in the other while Blessing stands behind me with two other suitcases.

"Um yea ok..come in. Maria will show you your rooms. Babe you're in mine." Vince says and I nod.

"Ill take the Vicky." Maria says taking Vicky's sleeping figure into her arms.

Blessing follows Maria up the stairs and out of sight as Vince turns to face me.

"Whats going on?" He asks

"Im moving in like you asked." I grab an apple and bite into it.

"So you decided you wanted to move in at 5 in the morning."

He looks at me skeptically and I sigh. His eyes get me every time.

"We lost our house. My money is gone and the house was sold."

"What do you mean by gone."

"Just gone." I look down.

"Dont worry. You guys can live with me. I have 3 more weeks here and when I leave I trust that you guys will watch the house. Mi casa es su casa." He smiles

"You sound so sexy when you talk spanish to me." I look up at him as he hugs me.

He smirks and plants a kiss on my lips.

Vicky POV
I have such a big bed. Its so nice. But I dont want to wear my pjs anymore. I get out of the big bed and walk over to the big case in the corner. I open a pocket and pull out a plastic that has greenish stuff in it. It looks like spinach..I love spinach.

I reach in and take some out. It smells weird but whatever. Tommy at school eats weird things all the time and hes alright. I stuff a lot in my mouth and swallow before standing up again.

Woah I feel dizzy. So so dizzy. I cant see.

"MOMMY!?." I yell before I fall to the floor.

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