15. Joey - Suspension [Part One]

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Yay! What did I tell you guys?! >.<


Chapter Fifteen


Joey –

‘Don’t worry; I think he just got a little delayed. I called him again, he is on his way over to work. Thanks so much for helping and everything, Joey. Sorry you had to deal with me all stressed and everything.’

‘That’s alright!’ I said. ‘I, uh, was glad to help.

‘It was really nice of you. I didn’t know you and Freddie were friends…’

I paused as the door of my room opened to reveal two little girls, giggling. ‘We, are… Friends,’ I told her.

‘Okay then,’ Louisiana laughed softly. ‘I’ll see you later? I have to thank you properly-’ before I could say anything, she dropped the phone, and then I was attacked.

‘Joey!’ Charlotte and Priya shouted excitedly at the same time. Before I could reply, they were both settled on the floor in front of me, legs crossed, looking up excitedly.

‘Your mum told me you and Courtney broke up,’ Charlotte began. Both their faces were glowing excitedly. ‘I thought you said you two were okay.’

I raised my eyebrows and stared at them for a second. I should have been used to the frequent surprise visits that I got when mum had kids round, but I never was.

‘I thought we were,’ I said eventually. ‘She’s with Ryan now though.’ They both sent me sympathetic glances, but I didn’t really care about what had happened with Courtney and Ryan. I’d been thinking so much about Freddie- feeling pretty bad. I wondered where he could have been that night seeing as Lou had called Jay, Sherry and some other of his friends. None of them had seen him… So where had he been? Lou had been fucking scared too- and that had scared me.

‘Courtney is going out with Ryan now?’ Priya asked, shocked.

‘Yeah,’ I shuffled around to face the girls head on, my hands on either side of my legs. It was strange how much more at ease I felt talking to Priya and Charlotte than most others I knew. A little perverted too.

‘Why? You’re better looking,’ she pouted, looking genuinely confused.

I grinned, remembering she’d seen him a few times when he came over while she was here. ‘Really?’ It apparently boosted my ego too! ‘Thanks.’ Unfortunately, girls like Courtney obviously didn’t go for boyfriends purely on looks.

Charlotte sighed, ‘So that’s it? You’re just letting her go?’

‘Yeah,’ I shrugged. ‘I didn’t like Courtney that way.’

They both frowned. ‘Is there anyone you like that way?’

‘I don’t think so.’ Their expressions grew sceptical.

‘Priya always likes more than one boy at a time-’ Priya’s arm whipped across Charlotte’s chest; stopping whatever else she was going to say.

‘Do not!’ the girl protested weakly. She played with a wisp of her dark wavy hair that had escaped from the messy ponytail she had daily for a moment before poking it into her mouth and chewing on it nervously.

‘Well, I’m not Priya, apparently, and I don’t tend to like more than one bo- girl at a time.’

They were silent for a moment, lips twisting. Then Charlotte’s face lit up, ‘Have you ever liked a boy before, Joey?!’

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