22. Freddie + This is Goodbye [Part Three]

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  • Dedicated to To every commenter, voter and lover of Positively Negative

So.. Here my baby is. The end of Positively Negative as we know it. As per usual, I'm not entirely happy, but I've edited already so I'm not quite sure how to improve on it. I really don't do the emotions this needs a justice, but I hope you guys enjoy anyway.

A huge thanks to @Shmael for helping me get through the Freddie-and-his-momma fiasco, I really struggled with that, but once I'd written it the rest just flowed out!

Lastly: I really can't dedicate this to anyone person, as there have been a select few who have been so loyal to this story and neither given up on it, or on me. For them I am increidbly thankful (you know who you are! ^^). So this is just dedicated to every commenter, voter, and lover of this story. I'm glad to have had you aboard.

Chapter Twenty-Two

This is Goodbye Part Three

Freddie +

 “Freddie!” It was an urgent whisper. I turned around to see Mia holding onto the kitchen door frame, eyes blood-shot. “Want a hot chocolate?”

It must have been past ten at night. My last full day was almost over. When morning came I'd have only hours left before I entered Paris' car and drove off with my sisters, towards a place I would surely be miserable in.

Yesterday had been great. I'd spent the first half of the day with all four of my sisters, and we'd done ridiculously cheesy things like going bowling, and strolling through the beach, making sandcastles despite the cold weather (which we hadn't done, all of us together, in years), and eating a picnic in some park we'd gone to as kids. It had brought back so many memories, and fuck. I couldn't believe it. Those kinds of things didn't happen to me. Melodramatic as it may have sounded, my life was shit. It was a hole of completely, miserably, despairingly, hopeless shit. Full to the brim of bad things. Constantly. I'd grown used to it. I'd grown used to unhappiness and the dim future ahead. And then suddenly Joey came along, and all my sisters were there together, for me. And my friends were my friends. I was happy. Happier than I've ever been in my life. Only to have that happiness overwhelm me when I found out that Jenny, true to her word, had thrown me a party.

It wasn't huge. It wasn't loud and full of grinding intoxicated bodies. It was quite small actually, and quiet. Cosy and comfortable. I couldn't have asked for something more perfect.

It was on the beach with about twenty friends, a lot of whom didn't even attend our school seeing as the majority of our school chums were idiots. People had helped set up, and erected were two small tents, torches, a couple of boxes of beers inside and sausages to burn on disposable fires, plus various other snacks to nibble on. It was beautiful. And I had tears falling in torrents as I held the biggest smile possible on my face. It wouldn't leave. I had never felt so loved in my life, so happy, or so much like crying my eyes out.

We just sang, and laughed, and drank around our fail of a fire. Some cried, and some didn't. But it didn't even matter. It didn't matter at all.

The quote all good things come to an end was all too familiar, though.

When I slept and awoke, Beth, Cath, Paris and Lou had helped me finalise my packing and then we’d lounged around like lazy bums. It was great. It was just a day spent with each other, despite the fact that my phone was buzzing non-stop with texts from those who had only just heard and some who already had, expressing again how they couldn’t believe it. Neither could I.

From that morning to that evening, though there had been many moments of doing absolutely nothing, none were empty. And the way Mia looked; I doubted the one that was about to take place would be either. I left my sisters to take each to step heavily- as if it was their last- and followed Mia to the kitchen.

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