Sonaze amd Shadamy

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Sonic: Hey Blaze, you wanna go out?

Blaze: 0///0 Oh. Sure.

Sonic: Lets go out to eat. -smiles-

Blaze: Ok! I gotta change! -runs off happily-

Sonic: Mkay. -walks off-


Shadow: Hey Amy, there's this new museum that just opened and I wanted to know if you wanted to go.

Amy: Sure, sounds nice! Around what time. -playing with kitten-

Shadow: Around now, so whenever you get ready.

Amy: Ok! -picks up kitten and walks to room-

Shadow: Cute. -smiles and walks off-

-With Sonaze-

Sonic: -eating a bunch of food- And... she tried to escape. -talking with mouth open-

Blaze: o^o Yep. Really -trying not to barf- Nice...

Sonic: Your not hungry? -burps in Blaze's face-

Blaze: I-I'm quite fine now.... -summons fire in hand-

Sonic: -drinks Blaze's soda- Ain't this place great. :3

Blaze: .... Perfect. -burns table-

Sonic: Well I gotta go to the restroom. Be right back. -runs out front door and down the street-

Waiter: Here's your bill ma'am. -gives her bill-

Blaze: -takes bill and burns it- That little bastard... -throws money at waiter and chases after Sonic-

-With Shadamy-

Amy: -staring at Starry Nights- Wow...

Shadow: What's this painting?

Amy: Starry Nights. -smiles-

Shadow: It's really nice. -smiles and accidentally trips hitting the painting making it fall-

Amy: 0^0 -shuffles away from him-


Shadow: Shitttt!!! -gets up and started running off-

Security: Get back here!!! -runs after him-

Shadow: You'll never catch me alive coppers!!!

Security: -catches him-

Shadow: Nuuuuuuu!!!!!!

Amy: -shuffles away out the door-

Shadow: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and you read on!

Security: Get in the car!

Shadow: -kicks him and runs off- BE AN UNLEASHIE!!!!

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