Cuddling and da room.

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Amy: This way Scrouge.

Scrouge: Why am I going into this room?

Amy: It's a surprise, plus you'll just love it. -smiles-

Scrouge: Sweet. -walks in-

Fiona: THERE HE IS!!!!!

Fangirls: Get em!! -tackle Scrouge-

Scrouge: Ahhhhh. -getting dragged in- Amy help!

Amy: Ok! -slams door in face and walks off-

Scrouge: YOU.... -gets attacked by wave of fangirls-

Amy: Hehe.

Tails: Ok everyone in a single file line.

Amy: Me first!!!

Blaze: No, me!

Shallow: Actually me. -already cuddling his tail-

-hours later-

Amy: MOVE! -throws Shallow and jumps on his tail-

Tails: -reading- This is gonna be a long day.

-hour later-

Blaze: My turn!

Cream: Mine!

Blaze: -summons flames- Mine.

Cream: MINE!!! -pulls out axe and swings it-

Blaze: EEP! -runs off-

Cream: -snuggles tail- And I get to stay here. -smiles-

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