Palm trees with marshmellows and coconuts

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Jasmine: DangerOfDreams I love you! -smiles-

Shallow: Why?

Jasmine: Listen to this dare submitted by DangerOfDreams. This pep dared for Silver to flop like a fish on a palm tree, Tails to get coconuts for five minutes, and Shadow to and Sonic to be stuffed in a box overnight after Sonic feeds him marshmallows he licked!!!

Shallow: That's twisted, even for me. o-o

Jasmine: Oh who cares it's cool to me!!! ^////^

Tails: I don't even like coconuts...

Sonic: Who cares I'm starting the timer.

Tails: Why so rude?!

Sonic: I have to do a crazy dare so I'm taking everyone down with me. -starts timer-

Tails: -starts eating coconuts- Nhn..... -chews whole crying-

Sonic: Cry baby... -3-

Silver: What's the point of this dare?!??

Jasmine: Nothing, it's just funny. ^_^

Silver: Fine... -flies to palm tree and lands on it flopping like a fish-

Tropical birds: -attack Silver- AHHH!!!

Silver: WHY!!??! STOP PECKING ME YOU DUMB FLYING RATS!!!! -flops and swats at birds-

Tropical birds: -Attack more- SICK EM BOYS!!!

Silver: Ahhh!! -falls from tree-

Sonic: Well people that enjoy our pain that's all for today. -starts walking off-

Lauren: No you don't hedgie, people are taking time out of their day to see you do dis dare. Now come on! -pulls Sonic to Shadow-

Shadow: -crawling away-

Shallow: Ah ah ah little bro, lets go. -pulls Shadow to Sonic-

Sonic: -sighs and licks marshmallow-

Shadow: -turns away-

Shallow: Ok I see how this is. -holds Shadow mouth open-

Shadow: ahhhh!!!!

Sonic: -puts marshmallow in his mouth-

Shadow: -chews-

Shallow: Please hurry this up, his teeth are sharp. o-o

~Five mins later~

Tails: -throws up coconuts- Ahhhh!!!!

Sonic and Shadow: -pushed into small box-

~Sonic and Shadow cam~


Shadow: Damn it, shut up!!!!

Sonic: RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: Ughhhhh... this is going to be a long night.. -.-"

Lisa: Well everyone I hope this chappie was good for ya and I hope you keep reading on.


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