Prison life/Splash!

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Becky: Hey Shadow, tell us about prison life. ~New entree~

Shadow: -walks in wearing sagging pants and a big T-shirt-

Amy: Uhh hey Shadow...

Shadow: Prison changed me!

Amy: Ok.... -about to walk off-

Shadow: -yanks her into chair- I was a clean man, I ain't go no dirt on my shoes.

Silver: Hey Amy I thought we were baking these cookies together. -sad-

Becky: Shadows telling us about prison.

Silver: -blushes at Becky- I'll stay and listen th-the-then..

Shadow: Man they was looking for fights so I was like, pimp slap!

Amy: WTF?

Becky: Cool! X3

Silver: Like you. ^~^

Becky: Uhh ok. Anyway Sonic it's time for you to jump off a cliff into a kiddy pool.

Sonic: You think I'm about to jump into a kiddy pool from a cliff? Your dumb.

Becky: Just go! -pushes him off-

Sonic: Ahhhhhh!!!!

~Zooms out~

A little blue dot is seen falling from the sky into another small blue dot, the pool.

Kid: Mama it's a bird!

Mom: No sweetie, it's another dare.

Kid: Oooohh!

Sonic: -misses pool and hits hard ground- Ow....

Becky: ..... success!

Shadow: Then that guy was like 'dawg I got da crack!' And I was like where it be?!? Then this dummy go showing me some crack in da wall!

Amy: .... (Someone help me!!!)

Shadow: So thennnnnnn-

Amy: -hits Shadow in the face with Piko Piko- I hope you all enjoyed! Goodbye, read on, don't go to prison!

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