Attack on Titans- Sonic style

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Jasmine: -in cadet uniform- Are your ready to give your life for möbius?!

Everyone: -in cadets uniforms- YES MA'AM!!!

Scrouge: Not really!!!

Lauren: Oh yeah you are!!!

Scrouge: -.-" Girlfriends....

Cream: What's a Titan?

Titian: -looks through window-

Jasmine: -pulls swords- That!!

Sonic: IM GOING TO KILL THEM ALL!!!!! -runs out and gets eaten- (Anyone who's seen Erin's death knows what I'm talking a about. XD)

Amy: Sonic!!!

Tails: We don't have time, lets go! -runs off-

Amy: -sighs and follows-

Jessie: Just don't be stupid like Sonic, think about your moves! -hook shots to building-

Shadow: Im so fudging lost. -sees Titan- Crap.

Titian: -picks up Shadow and crushes him-

Amy: Titans, lots of them heading our way!

Titan: -tries to grab Tails-

Tails: Oh no you don't! Im not letting you kill anyone else!! -flies up and slices his neck-

Scrouge: -slices through another Titan-

Lauren: Lets reclaim möbius!!! -slices Titan-


Scrouge: -pointing to cartoon board- And this is why we should do Attack on Titian- Sonic style. -smirks-

Jasmine: There's no way were doing that.

Sonic: Why do I get eaten?!

Scrouge: Your kinda like Erin so yeah.

Jasmine: Scrouge were never doing that, were not even going to include it.

Scrouge: Too late.... I already did! -smirks and runs off-

Jasmine: SCROUGE!!!!!

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