Fleetway Sonic (look em up!)

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Jasmine: -shivering- Why Lauren....

Lauren: I didn't know he would actually come... If your wondering why were like this it's because I dared for Fleetway Sonic to be added in.

Shallow: Its more awkward then scary for me. 0-0

Fleetway Sonic: Where's the blue rat, I don't have all day for this.

Sonic: Man being in that box was crapped. -walks in while stretching-

Fleetway: Well there he is.....

Sonic: Eh? -looks at fleetway- WHOA YOU LOOK LIKE A SONIC CHARACTER GONE WRONG!!!!!!

Fleetway: You must want to die today. -.-"

Sonic: You think you can take me down? -smirks- Please.

Fleetway: Don't be to cocky. -teleport behind Sonic-

Sonic: -turns around- Hey!

Fleetway: -punches him in the face-

Sonic: -falls back- Damn......

Cream: E-excuse me Mr. Fleetway sir, may you please not hurt Mr. Sonic?

Fleetway: You dare question me girly? -growls and picks her up by the ears-

Cream: What did you just call me? -.0"

Fleetway: Girly. -smirks-

Cream: IM NOT GIRLY!!! -kicks him in the stomach-

Fleetway: Ahh! -drops her and tumbles back-

Cream: Kiyo!!!!!! -jabs his nose-

Fleetway: Oh what the?!?!?!

Cream: -goes Super Cream- KIYAAAA!!!!! -beats him up-

Fleetway: -crawling away- How can a eight year old be so strong? -coughs up blood-

Super Cream: IM 13 BTCH!!!!! -punches him-

Fleetway: -K.O.-

Lauren: Wow.....

Tails: Nobody ever call her Girly.....

Sonic: I just got shown up by Cream. T.T

Super Cream: -turns back to normal- Tehe. -does cute little girl pose-

Lisa: He's dead? -pokes Fleetway-

Fleetway: .......

Lauren: No I just think she knocked him out.

Jessie: Hey guys what did I miss? -sees Fleetway- What happened?!?!

Cream: I beat him up! -poses-

Jessie: I find that hard to believe but ok!!! Anyway, bye my peps and I hoped you enjoyed this chappie because I'm not sure what happened! But yeah vote, comment, dare and laugh!!!


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