Killing Swiss rolls and Tails's bad moments

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Jasmine: I just got a new room installed!!! And it's for this next dare! Take it away Lisa!!! -points to Lisa-

Lisa: Nobody_roxas_prowers just dared Shadow to throw 1000 Swiss rolls into the fire room and for Tails's parents to come and embarrass him with stories and he has to be tied up!

Tails: What?!!?!!!

Cream: We can do this the easy way.. or the hard way. I prefer, the hard way!!!!!! -pulls out rope-

Tails: Is this because I tried eating you because if it is.... I'm totally over that!!!

Cream: SHUT UP!!!! -jumps on Tails and ties him up-

Lisa: -Puts Tails In a chair- Lets do Shadow's dare first.

Jasmine: -opens fire room- Lets go, time to do this!!!

Amy: -pushes up 1000 Swiss rolls- Yay!!!

Shadow: -eye twitches and picks up Swiss roll- Do I have to do this?!!?!?!

Everyone: Yep! :3

Shadow: -cries and throws Swiss roll in fire- Ahhhh!!!

Lauren: That's sad.... (not really)

Shadow: -throws them all in- I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! -jumps in fire- MINE!!!!!

Lisa: Shaodw!!!!! -looks in fire-

Shadow: -nibbling Swiss rolls while burning- WORTH IT!!!!

Sonic: He is taking these way too far.....

Lisa: He really is...

Tails dad: Well is this where are son is?

Tails mom: Where's momma's little genius? -smiles-

Tails: MHN!!!!!

Jasmine: He's right here. -points to Tails-

Tails: MHGJ!!!!

Tails mom: This reminds me of the time Tails tried to make that eight arm invention and he got tangled in the wires.

Tails dad: Or that time everyone thought he was a girl and guys would ask him out.

Tails mom: Remember when Tails was crushing on that girl and he was trying to flirt but fell in the dumpster.

Tails: NHGM!!! -squirms-

Sonic: Hearing all this makes me rethink out friendship. I seriously thought he was a girl when we first met too. -////-

Jasmine: I thought he was just a smart but wimpy Kitsune. What that is what he is! -shrugs-

Cream: Do you have pictures of him as a baby? :3

Tails mom: Sure do!! -pulls out photo book-

Tails: AGHHHHHH!!!!

Everyone: -looks at pictures- Awwwww :3

Tails: -////-"

Jasmine: Well folks that's all for today, I gotta go post one of this picture in my wall!!! peace out!!!!!

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