Yay MLP!!! And more pinkies!!

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Jasmine: -staring at Pinkie pie- Omg, I love you.

Pinkie pie: Thanks but you know what I love?

Jasmine: What?

Pinkie pie: A PARTY!!!! -starts dancing-

Jasmine: Alright! -starts dancing-

Scrouge: -Walks to Jasmine- Why are you dancing there's no music?

Pinkie pie: WHO CARES!!!!

Scrouge: -shrugs- Ok. -starts dancing-

Knuckles: -burst into room- IM NOT GOING PINK!! I ALREADY HAVE TO IN MY SUPER FORM!!!

Shallow: -aiming at Knuckles with paint ball gun- STAND STILL!!! -shoots-

Knuckles: NEVA!!!! -dodges-

Amy: lets go girls! -running while shooting at Knuckles-

Cream: Right! -does backflip and shoots at Knuckles-

Blaze: This way! -tackles Knuckles-

Shallow: SICK EM GIRLS!!!

Knuckles: -in slow motion- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Girls: -roll eyes and shoot him till he's pink-

Pinkie pie: Wow that was dramatic! -shrugs and keeps dancing-

Scrouge: Yeah it was. Anyway I hope you enjoyed dis chappie! Come on and send us more! Chaozies!

Jasmine: Stop trying to talk like me.

Lauren: #Stay calm and be an unleashie.

Pinkie pie: With me!

Sonic Unleashed!! (Literally)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ