Capes shoes pokemon and fanfics ;3

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Jasmine: Guys from now on da dares will be without us saying them again, you will just see it happen!!! -disappears-

Tails: -pushes Mario down some stairs and steals his cape- Thanks for da help Mario. -runs off-

Mario: That kids a crazy..... -faints-

Tails: -runs to Sonic- Hey big bro!

Sonic: Hey Tails, what's up?

Tails: Can I have your shoes?

Sonic: Why?!

Tails: No reason....

Sonic: Tails are you ok?

Tails: Of course... why wouldn't I be??

Sonic: Well your holding Mario's cape, that guy never lets anyone.... not even Peach. Touch HIS cape. Did something happen to him?

Tails: Yep, he got to close to some stairs... -sweat drops and pushes Sonic down stairs-

Sonic: AHHH!! -lands on Mario-

Tails: -runs over and steals Sonic's shoes- YASS NOW IM SUPER MARIO TAILS!!!!!!!!! -poses-

Shallow: Shut up Tails. -walks by-

Tails: Yes ma'am.... -sighs-

Cream: -playing Pokemon on 2DS- Come on Pika! Stop being stupid!

Pika: Pika pika.... (Lil brat)

Cream: Ughhg this stupid Pokemon is useless!!!

Pika: PIKAAAAS (that's it!) -teleports cream into game-

Cream: Nooooooooo -falls to ground in game- Where am I??

Pika: Your in the game.

Cream: Ehhh pika you can talk!!!??

Pika: In the game yeah, well you can understand me at least. Now it's time for you to pay for making me feel bad.

Cream: What do you mean!!??

Pika: -catches Cream in a Pokemon ball- Doesn't matter. >:3

Ash: Time for a battle pika! I choose you ivysaur!! -throws out ivysaur-

Pika: I choose you Cream!,! -throws out Cream-

Ash: Ivysaur, use whiplash!!,

Ivysaur: -whiplashes cream-

Cream: Ahhhh

Pika: Cream use sweet flash!

Cream: -faints- Too tired.......

Pika: Get up you useless Sonic character!

Ash: I guess I.... win?

~With Shadow~

Shadow: -On wattpad- They want me to read these stupid Sonadows. I don't even like Sonic like that. -clicks on Sonadow and starts reading-

~3 hours lata~

Shadow: I'd never hurt you like that Sonic! -crying-

Sonic: You ok Shads? -walking behind him-

Shadow: Sonic you blue idiot! -jumps on Sonic-

Sonic: -falling back- Eh?? Shadow!?

Shadow: -snuggles him-

Jesse: Im so sending this to Kiki! -takes pic- Well peps I'm making a new email and I would like it if you'd send me pics of your drawings and stuff.

Jasmine: VOTE AND STUFFF!!!!!!

Lisa: #Stay calm and be an unleashie.

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