Love and roses with a smash!

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Jasmine: Ok everyone. Nobody_roxas_prowers just dared for Tails to give Shallow a flower and uhhhh... do some stuff!

Tails: -gulps- Here you go Shallow.

Shallow: Oh thanks for the rose Tails, but what's the occasion?

Tails: I just wanted to give a rise to the most beautiful girl ever.

Shallow: Right... >.>

Tails: Be mine! -grabs arm and pulls her to a room-

Shallow: -punches Tails- Sorry but I'm not into you like that. But, I'm keeping da rose. -walks off-

Tails: -falls to ground and faints- Ugh.

Cream: -slows Amy-

Amy: Ow Cream! What was that for?

Cream: -slaps her again-

Amy: What the hell Cream?! Try that again and I swear!

Cream: -slaps her again-

Amy: Alright you asked for it! -summons hammer-

Cream: -kicks her shin and steals hammer-

Amy: Ow ow ow ow!! -hops on one leg and waves arm at Cream- You whippersnapper!!

Cream: -smacks Silver into wall- Hiya!

Silver: OW! what the heck!?!?! -drops time jewel-

Cream: TAKE THIS!!! -smashes jewel into a million pieces-

Silver: No! That means I stuck her with you noobs! -waves arms-

Cream: What did you just say.

Silver: Pizza....

Cream: LIES!! -hits Silver's head- TAKE THIS!!!

Silver: AGH! -passes out-

Jessie: Man Silver is always getting hurt.

Cream: Yeah he is, but you haven't got a dare yet have you Jessie?

Jessie: Nope. -3-

Cream: Ok peps dare Jessie!

Jessie: I never said I wanted one! -waves arms-

Cream: Too late! -runs of and starts hitting random people with the hammer-


Shallow: Well that's all for now and I can't believe you thought I was going to make out with Tails. Tsk! -turns head-


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