The crazy beast dog

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Jasmine: Ok so we have to take care of Lauren's dog Cerberus, she's out today.

Silver: That should be easy, I'm good with animals. :3

Amy: -runs in with shredded clothes- That thing is a beast!!!! -holding door behind her-

Silver: He can't be that bad. -walks over to Amy and moves her aside-

Cerberus: -runs out and nuzzles Silver-

Amy: Whaaaaa!!! It attacked me horribly!!!

Silver: You must have provoked it. -rubs Cerberus-

Cerberus: -wags tail- Bark!

Sonic: -walks in eating chili dog- Hey guys, what's with the dog and Amy's clothes?

Cerberus: -starts chasing Sonic-

Sonic: Haha, this dog thinks he can catch me. -rubs super sonic speed-

Cerberus: -teleports in front of Sonic- BARK!!!! BARK!!! BARK!!!

Sonic: What!!!! -runs around him-

Cerberus: -teleports again- Bark bark!!!! - jumps on Sonic-

Sonic: HOLY CHAOS EMERALDS!!!!! -trying to pull off Cerberus-

Silver: What is with you guys? -whistles to Cerberus-

Cerberus: -stops and runs back to Silver-

Sonic: Am I still cool looking? -face is twisted and ugly-

Amy: Yep.....

Silver: Of course you do...

Sonic: Whew! Thanks guys! -runs off-

Amy: That was the biggest lie every.

Silver: Right, hey.. where's Cerberus? -looks around-

Amy: Uh oh.... -looks around-

~In the kitchen~

Shallow: -washing dishes-

Cerberus: -sneaking up to Shallow-

Shallow: I hate having dishes, by now I could have been out starting my new mission. -turns around and grabs towel- -sees Cerberus- who's dog?

Cerberus: -growls and jumps at her-

Shallow: -growls- Sit!

Cerberus: -whimpers and backs away-

Silver and Amy: -run into the kitchen-

Silver: Whoa Shallow, how'd you do that?

Amy: Yeah he wouldn't listen to me when I said it!

Shallow: -rubs Cerberus's back- You just have to show the dog who's boss.

Silver: I didn't have to, I just played with him.

Tails: -flies in- Man I'm hungry.

Cerberus: -jumps up and pulls down Tails-

Tails: Aghhhhh!!!!

Cerberus: -biting Tails-

Shallow: STOP! -growls-

Cerberus: -Whimpers and stop-

Shallow: See, well I gotta go start a new mission. I'm done with the dishes. -walks out slamming door closed-

Amy: Isn't this the door that's hard to open?

Tails: That I never finished working on, yes.

Silver: Oh Chaos....

Cerberus: -smirks and attacks them-

Shallow: Hehe... >:3 That's for making me do dishes.

Silver: -on table- I hope you liked this stuff because I didn't!!! And I want you to vote, comment, dare, and throw in some laughs.

Shallow: -pretending not to hear there screams- #Stat calm and be an unleashie. Bye guys. -waves-

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