Chapter 1 Sent away

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Hey, I'm Luna! School's out for the summer and my dad recently signed me up for summer camp that was called Camp Campbell. Since he wasn't going to be home half of the summer because of his acting and youtube life. So he decided to take me to a summer camp to get some fresh air. I was mostly glad because my friends are all busy with their own business. Addi was going to Oregon for the summer. Evie went to help people in different parts of the world. Jackson was currently helping animals with Brody. Skylar on the other hand was a flower scout. Whatever that was. Meanwhile, I was searching for the necklace that I wore everywhere I went.

"Dad! Where's my necklace? You know I can't go without it!" I said looking frantically for it.

"He probably put it in the washer just like last time." My anxiety said coming up.

"Do you want Roman or Virge to check the laundry again!?"

"Yes please!"

I continued to search my drawers for it. That necklace was the last thing left of my past parents.

"Violet! You can't hide it away from her! You know why you're the one tagging along with her so she won't get hurt!" Lexi said trying to grab it.

"But why! I'm just going to pull her behind! I'm no help! Besides, it's a theatre camp that's your thing! "

"No, actually it's a mix of all sorts of camps! Thomas just decided to let her mostly do theatre since she's more into it!" Patton said coming in and stealing the necklace away from her and handing it to me. "Here ya go kiddo!"

"Thanks, Padre. Like I said you're not even in theatre camp. He signed you up for extreme sports camp. So you can have a skateboard there." I said clipping it around my neck.

I had a plain yellow t-shirt that the camp sent with jeans on as well. I finally tied my black flannel around my waist. My hair was left down. I took a glance at my scar. That jackass Nick was to blame for the six-pointed star on my wrist (Not the Jewish one) ever since then all of my sides have the same mark just in different colors. It's just like salting the wound I guess.

"You're looking at it again dear?" Jenni said coming up.

When Nick left the mark on there Jennifer became my trama. She makes me remember the hell that I went through when I was younger. Since things got better for me she wasn't really there anymore.

"Yeah, you know I'm nostalgic. Anyway, what are we going to do since you and the others aren't going to come out for most of the summer."

"Well, Hazel and I agreed to have us come out when things aren't going too well. For example when you or V' have an attack. You know?"

"Fair enough. So I won't see you much as well."

"Yeah, but you know I can bother the other sides since they'll be bored as fuck."

"Got it."

A week before the summer camp my sides pulled straws to see who's going to look after my safety for the summer since dad could only afford two. Violet won and got to sign up for whatever she wanted for herself.

"Luna! Hurry we have a long drive to get on!" Dad said from downstairs.

"Gotta go LuLu. See ya when you get there."


I quickly grabbed my bags and summoned Violet. I saw her new outfit. She wore a black leather jacket with a striped shirt with it, along with leggings to match. She insisted that she'd wear paper clip earrings. I'd let her do her own thing while I did mine. We went downstairs and saw dad waiting there for us.

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