Chapter 19 Logical?

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_Luna's POV_

The next day comes by and Luna agreed for Sage to replace Violet's spot for the day so she and Harper could bond more with her. I ate breakfast like usual and she came with me. No one really noticed her presence so it was fine. 

"So what do you think of the accurate distance between two points?"

"I don't know. It's too early for this Sage."

"I guess your right. Did you brush your hair?"

"Yeah. It's not messy is it?"

"No. Maybe it's just your lack of sleep then."

"Are those fighting words?"

"I don't wish to partake in any violence."

"That's what I thought."

I ate in silence and Sage just read a book that she had in hand. I saw her just her glasses as I saw Hazel coming over to us and sitting down next to us.

"Aren't you gonna eat Sage?" Hazel asked.

"No thanks. I'm not really hungry."

"Whatcha reading?" I asked.

"Something about the science in what matters and what doesn't."

We stood there in silence and then 

"Alright, that's enough of that. This isn't a full-on science camp."

She put the book away and sighed. After that, we were dismissed to go to our camps. Sage followed me and Preston to the stage. She sat in the audience while we practiced our lines. I could tell that she was bored. So I told Preston to wait and I went over to Sage.

"Hey, if you're bored you don't have to stay with me."

"Where else can I go then?"

"Um...Oh! Maybe you can hang out with Neil?"

"Which one?"

"The one with the science equipment."

"If you insist."

As soon as she left I went back on stage and helped out Preston with a line he was having trouble with.

_Third POV_

Sage stood up and walked off. Clearly, she was unwanted hinting at it bit by bit. It's not like she was bothered by it at this point. Everyone metaphorically throws logic out the window making it sometimes impossible for her to help Luns. This whole camp makes no sense to her. Especially the fact that it wasn't shut down yet surprised her. 

"Now all I need now is a magnifying glass to see this up close- wait- where did I put it?! It was just here!" The kid panicked searching for it.

She looked at the side of the setup and saw that the magnifying glass was right next to it. She picked it up swiftly and looked at him trying to make proper eye contact.

"You dropped this yes?" Sage asked handing it to him.

"Y-yeah. Thanks. Who are you exactly?"

"My name is Sage. I'm a 'friend' of Luna's. I hope you don't mind me being here. Luna sent me away so she and Preston could practice."

"Oh, just don't bother me and you'll be fine."

"That won't be a problem."

A few minutes go by and Saged ended up taking a different book out and sat there while he worked.

"Can you hand me that screwdriver please?"

"Sure, what are you making anyway?"

"Well, I'm trying to make a graphing calculator into a mini simulation of myself again since the first time messed up."

"Why are you trying to do that?"

"The first time was to get everyone off my back. Now it's experimental. To see what it'll do."

"Fascinating you have my full attention then. You need help?"

"I- Um sure I guess. Can you hand me that please?" Neil asked pointing at an old computer mouse.

"Alright then."

She handed it to him and he took a good look at her while she turned away from him. Neil wasn't used to having someone actually fascinated by his work. For him, it was like putting two and two together and bam new gadget. But to Sage, it was nothing like she'd ever seen before.

"So, what got you so interested in what I'm doing?"

"Don't know. I guess it's entertaining to watch people make new things. Besides, it's obvious that Moon and Preston are busy with their shows to even notice me. I guess Luna is quite shy while preparing for whatever they're planning on doing tonight"

"Oh, alright then, question. What do you think about Hazel's scales? I don't have the courage to ask if they're real or not."

"Are you asking me this because I'm closer to her socially?"

"Yeah," Neil spoke noting his social anxiety.

"Well, I assure you that they're real scales. She let me touch the ones on her hands for an experiment. I wouldn't be surprised if she's haphephobic when it comes to her scales."

"Wait she let you touch her scales?!"

"It was a while back. She used to let people touch them if they asked to. Now she won't let anyone touch them except for me and two other people I believe."

"What happened?"

"Well, she trusted a horrible man touch them one day and instead of looking at it in awe. He pulled a few off. He told her that she was imperfect for having them. She became distant and it took a lot for her to be a bit like herself again."

"That all happened to her?"

"Indeed. In fact, wanna go see what she's up to?"

"Sure I guess."

To Neil, she seemed alright. She seemed like the type to talk with for hours without getting bored. He did wonder how she's so close with Hazel. He wasn't sure why but he actually wanted to get to know her more. Sage was nice and smart for her age that's for sure. When they made it Hazel made her way over to Sage.

"Damn you don't know how much this headache is killing me, Sage."

"Not having fun hmm?"

"It's not that. Nerris and Harrison got into another fight again and they won't stop coming to me about it."

"That's on you, Hazel. Do you mind?" Sage said pointing at Hazel's gloved hand.

"Yeah. They're starting to hurt again. Don't know why."

"Shedding perhaps?"

"Nah, it's not that. It would just ich like crazy and don't stop until a week or so."

"I see. Let me get this off real quick. Please continue."

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