Chapter 12 Dodge Ball

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(Here's what Violet looks like-)

Jenni soon disappeared when I made it back to camp. David was leading the activity and I guessed Gwen was in town again since the car wasn't there. The activity was dodge ball so it didn't look that fun. I sighed in relief that I was back. I went to my tent and put the bracelets in the shoebox with the other things that we made there. I took out the ring and put it on my middle finger. I felt brave so I faced it. I snuck back out to the lake and found Skylar there. I came up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"Hey babes."


I sat down next to her and she turned her head the other way.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

I cupped her cheek carefully and turned her head over to look at me. She had a medical patch on it.

"What happened to your eye?"

She melted into my touch as she said.

"I tried to scare Tabii and she punched me in the eye."

"An eye for an eye huh?"

"I guess you can put it like that."

"Wanna sneak in QM's kitchen and get one or two things of pudding?"

"You sure? I don't wanna get you in trouble from it."

"Relax, Max and his friends does it all the time and David doesn't notice. Besides the only way he found out was from Gwen and she's not here."

"Alright. Let's do it."

I helped her up and we went off the mess hall without anyone noticing. Then we came out and the puddings were in her pockets.

_Violet's POV_

David rounded us up for an activity.

"Alright campers! It's time to play so good old dodgeball! I'll be picking two people to form different teams! Let's see. How about Nurf and Violet can be leaders for this!"


"Oh, this is going to be fun!" I heard him say behind me.

I felt shivers down my spine as I chose.

"Fine. I chose Ered first."



"Space kid."





"Nope. I'm sitting this one out just to see what happens Nurf."

"Fine, Dolph."

"Have you chose your teams yet campers?"

"Sure have," I said fixing a part of my shirt so it wouldn't look wrinkled.

He set a line of balls across the single line that was drawn out for this activity. They were the soft ones this time so it made me more at ease. I jerked suddenly as I felt a pain in my head. My eyes flashed to darkness and then made me see again. What's Jennifer doing at this hour.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, just one of those moments Nik."

"Oh, reminds me of my first period."


"Hey, I was innocent."

"Yeah, your young."

"So are you."


David grabbed our attention quickly as we got into position.

"Three, two, one. Begin!" David said blowing his whistle.

We ran to the balls and three of us managed to get four out of ten balls there were. Nurf took this to advantage having two of them in his hands. Neil managed to throw one at Nerris and before it could hit her I ran over there and caught it. He just shrugged as he went over to Max to see what he was doing. Everyone came down one by one. Space kid was the first to go since he was Nurf's shield. It was only Nurf, Ered, Preston, and I. I saw Nurf whisper something to Preston and he nodded in response then looked at me square in the eye.

"I apologize for this you two."

Then he threw the ball that he had targeted me. It made sense since I was dodging and catching for most of it. Ered catches it as it went over my head.

"Don't worry I'm sorry too." She said in response.

At this point was beyond mad. He was pissed. And threw one at me. Ered tossed me the ball and I blocked it using it knowing I couldn't catch it. I attempted to throw it but I missed and it went into the bushes. I stayed right next to her as she threw the next one. Then he caught it and she left as well.

"Heh, look at this, just me and you now. Eat this loser!"

There were no balls around me. He had them. He threw the ball at full speed and I blocked my face and dodged it.

"Can't we be friends?" He continues to throw another one and miss. "Or at least decent acquaintances?!"

He shook his head with a deepened smirk on his face. This was the only time he was allowed to hit people without getting in trouble for it. I felt something touch my shoulder and I turned around seeing nothing but another ball flying past me. What was that? I didn't know. Maybe it was just me. I had a sudden spike of confidence in me as I ran for the next ball he threw the last one that he could reach over to my side as I dodged it again.

"That's it. I tried so hard to be nice to you and all I can see is rage. How come Nurf? Sure, I don't know your life or your situation but why do you constantly insist that bringing pain onto others is going to fix that? No. It's not. It's just going to bury it deeper and deeper into the hole that you've done for yourself. It's not going to get you far. I know that better than anyone."

Confused about what I was saying he shook his head and tried to get the other ball.

"What do you want from me? Does it ever cross your mind that I'm just a product of our overbearing society?!"

"Aren't we all?" I purred.

I threw the ball at him and hit his arm softly.

"Damn it!" He yelled.

"Congratulations, Violet's team won!"

I went up to Nurf knowing he'd want to beat me into a pulp after what I said. He took my hand as I helped him up.

"Good game?"


"Sorry for what I said by the way. I didn't mean to offend you in any way. Are you offended? If you are I'm sorry."

"It's fine I probably deserved it."

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