Chapter 14 Wrong Moves

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A few minutes go by and then the flower scouts show up fashionably late. The activities started and none of us were really talking to one another. We just stayed by the people we knew. Skylar and I didn't even notice each other so I stayed by Violet and Ered. Hazel came back and her scales weren't too noticeable. I'm guessing she had another breakout. I just propped myself against the wall waiting for the social to be over. I saw that Gwen noticed that he wasn't weirdly flirting with her. I stifled a laugh whenever Neil was blushing hard for Erin. I had enough of sitting around so I stood up and went over to Skylar looking bored out the window.

"Hey wanna make a break for it?"

"We're just gonna get caught."

"That's the fun in it!"

"I have a," She suddenly faced me and held my hands, and started to lead me. "Better idea."

We started just dancing to whatever music was on. This lasted for a few minutes until Sasha came into the equation.

"Skylar what are you doing!" Sasha said in an angered tone.

"Showing you how it's done, kid."

"Are you bragging?" I mumbled.

"Just roll with it. Besides we'd haven't danced like this since the last day of school."


After we did our last move we parted from each other so she could help Tabii. Before she did she pecked me on the cheek and followed Tabii. Damn, I was starting to have fun though. My face faded back to its normal color when she left. I noticed that Gwen was looking confused so I went up to her.

"Is everything ok Gwen?"

"Are you two-"

"Yeah? Is it a problem?"

"No, I just had a dynamic going on,"

"What was it?"

"Well, originally I thought you and Pike had something going on, and then when I saw you with Skylar and I changed my mind. It's weird how he's not weirdly flirting with me. I'm just relieved."

"Well yeah, it's just life. Maybe you should see how Neil's doing he's been staring at Erin for a while now. The poor boy is a mess."

"Oh, your right!"

In a flash, she went over to Neil. Oh, she's playing that game. I noticed that everyone was doing their own thing. I saw that Skylar was helping David with Tabii's face painting. I was getting bored but it didn't take long. I leaned against the wall punch in hand.

"How's it going, Luna?"

I turned around and saw Pike.

"It's been, boring mostly. You?"


"Where are the other two that you're usually with?"

"Handing out business cards, mostly trying to get new campers."

"Don't you have Jeremy though?"

"I mean yeah but to be honest he's just something else."

"Yeah, I could see that happening."                                           

My drink went empty and he offered to refill it for me. As he left Raven and Lexi came up.

"You should go dance with Skylar again."

"Or you can make her jealous by dancing with him~"

"Shut it. Both of you."

"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna see if I can stab another fork in Tabii's eye."

"Don't you dare. She has her own problems. If you two are just going to do this I suggest you leave before you have another turf war."

"It's all love in war."

"More like you strangling Lexi for a cookie."

"It was the last one!"

"Just go both of you."

They listened and left when Pike came back. He handed me my cup and we made some small talk. I swished the liquid in the solo cup lightly, for some reason not trusting that it's safe. I noticed that David was dancing with Gwen now trying to stop her.

"You go, David," I said under my breath.

"Heh, you having fun?"

"I mean I guess. It's nothing special just a weird night for all three camps here. It's just nice to witness the chaos you know."

"Do you wanna make some more?"


He nodded his head. Why was his face so red? Is the air conditioning out again? Is he sick or something?

"By the way why is your face so red? Is it hot in here? If you want we can go outside! Sometimes the air conditioning can bust in here."

"I don't know what you're talking about! My face isn't red!"

I took a small mirror out of my pocket and opened it up, then I showed him his reflection. He took it out of my hand and looked at himself. He soon handed it back to me.

"...Well prepared." I heard him mumble.

"What was that?"

"It's nothing."

I hummed as Gwen was being held by her own will wanting to 'fix' the night even though it's no point.

"You should go check on your crew Pike," I said looking down.

He suddenly came in front of me looking at me dead in the eye. Then he lifted my chin lightly. Making me face him.

"I should, should I?"

"P-Pike. This is getting weird... Please, stop."

"Why should I?"

"Because I don't like you like that. I already have someone."

"Does it matter?"

"Just stop," I said my voice turning into ice. "Y-you're scaring me."

I pushed myself closer into the corner as he never let go of my chin. His other hand slid onto my shoulder slyly. All I did was froze in fear. I couldn't move. No, not again. Please, no! Flashbacks flee through my mind as I wished for an escape.

"Did you hear her? She said stop it." I heard a familiar voice say.

He got shoved out of the way by her and I felt someone hug me.


"Yeah, it's just me hun." I lost control and shook violently trying to keep my tears in. "You wanna go somewhere private?"

I nodded quickly as she helped me up and got me out of there.

"I don't want, Nick-."

"I know. He's gone now. He's back in Florida. We're out now. You're safe."

When she said that I hugged her tightly sobbing into her shoulder. I didn't want her to leave. I kept my breaths steady rehearsing breathing exercises in my head so I won't have a meltdown. Skylar rubbed circles into my back soothingly. Now I realized why he wasn't flirting with Gwen. He wanted me now. Frankly, I didn't want that. Not now. Not anytime soon.

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