Chapter 9 Intrusive

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Tw: Self-harm (not the heavy angst stuff don't worry) (And here's what Raven looks like!)

A car pulled up and Gwen was back with another person.

"David. Fire that fucking weirdo! I just hit the jackpot!"

It was a person that looked like Gwen but she was just like Daniel. Light hair, paler skin, different clothes, etc. The others had a suspicious look and again space kid isn't phased by it.

"Howdy Jen."

Without warning, Raven came down jumping off the roof of the mess hall just in front of us. Hazel in her arms blade in her mouth and everyone froze. She had blood covered on her face including the blades that she owns. Hazel however looked fine. Just asleep.

"Hey, Jen! Wanna play a game? This one had loads of fun!"

"Is t-that blood?" Gwen asked trying to stay calm.

"Maybe," She suddenly sliced her wrist with the knife in her mouth. "Maybe not my dear."

Jen screamed and ran off saying curses under her breath.

"There! Now she's gone! Thank me later!"

"T-Thank you?! You just scared of our help kid?!"

"Yeah, you could've either had a camp full of dead kids or me scaring her off. I mean unless you wanted that. I mean I'm not one to judge! So tell me. What are your fears? What disgusts you? I wanna know everything!"

"Where is this coming from?! And why do you have one of our campers in your arms?"

"Camper? Ha! You're funny Gwen. She's asleep! While I'm just doing my job! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to! Bye! Hope you step on a dead animal for me!"

She left as soon as she heard groans of disgust. I hid my face in embarrassment. She tortures me in the most unthinkable ways. She was sure creative almost as much as Lexi was. As the day went on they didn't decide to question Hazel's disappearance. We got told to just take the rest of the day off. So we did. I went back to my tent exhausted. I lied down on my bed and shut my eyes for a bit. It felt like a few minutes later until.

"You should really get some of that punch for me. Maybe some for yourself if you're feeling risky."

"They already dumped it out and gave half of it to QM. I'm not going to his shed thingy."

"Fine then let me go there myself."

"It's probably in his fuck house. Or what used to be Campbell's summer home."

"No wonder he abandoned it."

"Yeah. Where did you put Hazel?"

"Her room. Her bed is nice but it smells like honey mostly. She woke up like a few minutes ago after me scaring off that one woman. She's back to normal now. Still tipsy like that time Janus let her taste some wine."

"That sure was one hell of a night wasn't it."


We went silent not really saying anything to each other.

"Hey wanna go fuck around with the wood scouts to let off some steam?"

I thought about it for a split second before nodding.

"Yeah, as long as you give me a useful weapon."

"Fine, you can have my mace for now. I have plenty of knives on me and I can't really die so we're not screwed!"

"Let's do it!"

I didn't want to do it. I was just bored. We went to the lake and we had to get to the other side. We walked around it again. We didn't really know how to boat there so we just walked. I couldn't believe my eyes when we finally made it to their base.

"R-Raven...this is a military base."

"No, it's the wood scouts! Now, look what I got!"

"That's a paintball gun."

"I know! I'm gonna use it on that redhead!"

"Why?! That's not good!"

"What's good without the bad dear? Now take the mace!"


She shoved the mace into my arms and I followed her. We went over behind one of the buildings where they were having a meeting.

"Alright men. You know the last time of getting some new recruits was a fail. So does anyone have any ideas?"

"I have one! Eat this!" Raven said as she shot one of their members.

"YOU AGAIN! MEN AFTER THEM!" Pikeman screams as she shot him twice in the chest.

We ran out of there quickly as we heard shouts behind us. I couldn't help but laugh with Raven as we started to be almost out of there. Before she got apprehended by some guy with an eye patch.

"Oh, what are you going to do fuck me?" She said slipping out of his grip.

"No, I'm gonna bring you and that other girl back to camp. So you can become wood scouts."

"Good luck with that bud."

She quickly kicked him off of her as she grabbed the mace out of my hand and points it at him. At this point, I guessed it was just a personal grudge.

"I'm taking my leave now. Maybe next time I'll be a wood scout! Even if the wood isn't," She walked up to him and flicked him on the nose. "Hard enough. Come on Moon! We've had our fun!"

Little did she know she had someone behind her. It was Petrol. He grabbed her waist and picked her up. Threw her onto his shoulder making her drop the mace. I gasped and grabbed it quickly before Snake did.

"Put her down. You don't know what's she's capable of." I said holding the weapon delicately.

"What? You're not concerned for your little friend here?" Pikeman said coming down.

"Oh, no. She could leave whenever she wanted. Even now. I'm more concerned about your safety. Especially his. He's the one holding her. And she can, do some weird shit not going to lie."

"Oh really like what-"

In an instant, she bit down the guy's shoulder making him drop her and wince in the instant pain.


"Eh not bad. For a soldier." She came up to me and held my hand. "Who's next?"

They didn't respond almost like they're scared or don't want any trouble from her. She only scoffed as she walked ahead of me.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened today. I'll keep a better eye on her. Just take this as an apology gift."

As I said that I went up to their leader and handed him a bracelet that I made a few days ago. It was a green and yellow one. I thought nothing of it and just gave it to him a peace offering. He grasped it and glanced at it carefully.

"What's this? Is this another trick?!"

"No, look." I grabbed it from him and tied it onto his wrist. Before he could think it was dangerous I showed him mine. "It's a friendship bracelet! I have some from the others but they're in my tent. Maybe you and the other two can make them too! For yourselves of course."

"Really now?"

"Do you not like it? You don't have to keep it-"

"No, it's mine now!"

"O-ok! See ya later Pike!"

I could see his face flush red. I thought it was nothing so I followed Raven out of there. I went back to my tent shortly after dinner. I lied down on my bed and got into a t-shirt and shorts and went to bed.

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