Chapter 18 Apologies

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It was two days after parent's day and it's been a normal day so far. I wanted to do something so I grabbed my pocket knife and shoved it into my pocket and went to the lake to skip rocks. That was the original plan anyway. I went there and I was alone with nothing but my thoughts. I picked up a rock and skipped it across the water. I missed home. I threw one out of frustration because I forgot to tell him about what happened at the dance. I'm such an idiot! I curled up into a ball on the dock and just looked at the water as it was just at ease. Until...

"You seem lonely there- H-hey! Get off of me! Stop it!"

"Stay away from her! You've done enough to her as it is!" I heard a familiar voice hiss.

I stood up and looked over at who it was. It was Jenni and Pikeman. Jenni's eyes were a deep amber color full of pain and regret. Her hair was a mess like she hasn't brushed it for days. I noticed that her hair was a dark orange as well. She held him with her arm holding him by his throat.

"Get off of me! Are you cursed or something!?"

"I'm already cursed, dear. Having to deal with people like you!" She said tightening her grip on him causing him to yelp.

"Jenni! Don't strangle him! He might deserve it but stop!"

"But it was-"

"My idea Moon! Even Lex agreed to it which is surprising."

"Raven I don't care whose idea it was just put him down before I get Sage into the equation!"

"Ugh, you're no fun!" They said in unison.

Jenni dropped Pikeman and left him there. Raven gave him a death glare before smiling, almost like an unspoken threat. Once they left he looked at me with shock. I reluctantly went over to him and helped him up. Then once I noticed his expression I retreated my hands and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry for their behavior Pikeman. Now, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to apologize, for how I acted around you at the dance. You said no and my head just wouldn't- What I'm tryna say is that I'm sorry ok."

"Thanks for apologizing Pikeman. I appreciate that."

I heard him sigh softly as he looked down at his feet then back at me.

"Can we still be friends though?"

"As long as you don't try anything and learn my boundaries then yes."

"Glad to hear it."

After that, I took my leave and left back to camp. 

~Third POV~

When she was gone Pikeman just looked at the lake waters. He felt the empty void still fill his heart. He betrayed her trust for his desires. Suddenly he heard laughing behind him. 

"Next time you touch her like that it won't end pretty for you, Sargent."

"Forget that shit can't we just drown him?"

"I like that idea but no." 

Jenni didn't have her glasses on. Instead, she wore contacts because her glasses broke. She bit into her apple and looked him into his golden eyes. His eyes reminded her of Hazel's beside the snake-like eye.

"If you try something else you and this blade will have some, hidden affairs~"

"So, do us both a favor, and let's play nice. Tell anyone about this talk and you'll regret it. Got it?"

He shook his head slowly. Jenni's hair returned back to the light brown color and she smiled with relief. 

"Great! Now I suggest you go back to your campgrounds before it gets dark."

"I will. Glad we had this chat." 

He left soon after wondering if they'd actually go with their threats. Once they knew he was gone Harper appeared and hugged Jenni tightly.

"I'm so glad you're ok!"

"Harper, it's alright we're safe. He's not going to bother her much anymore."

"I don't know. What if he lied? I don't want anyone to get hurt. He may be bad but I can sense good in him."

"Harper, sweetie you see the good in everything and everyone including me and Jen for some reason. I get that you don't want to see anyone gettin' hurt and all but sometimes we have to make sacrifices." Raven said making the blade disappear. "'Sides the most I can do legally is hitting him on the back of the head with my own hand. But what's the fun in things with laws hmm?"

"S-stop it, Raven. You're scaring me a bit." Harper shutters.

"Sorry. I just wanted to have some fun dear." 

The way Raven said sorry didn't feel genuine at all. I made Harper look away slightly.

"Enough Raven," Jenni spoke up.

"Fine, I'll let you off the hook this time," Raven said rolling her eyes.

"You better."

They heard footsteps come towards them and it was Hazel and Violet who were there.

"Guys I could hear Haper's fear from here!" Violet said with sarcasm.

"Are you alright?"

"Hazel you know Raven. She tends to scare her when she's joking." Jenni replied.

"Who said I was fucking joking?"

"I said,  now go do whatever you do."

"I bother you guys so that's what I do. Oh, Hazel, it's been a while since we've last chatted."

In an instant, Harper went to Violet and hugged her the same way she did with Jennifer. Surprised by her actions Violet awkwardly hugged her back.

"I missed you too Harp."

"It's been so long!"

"It's been like five hours but alright."

"I like spending time with you guys! That's what matters."

"Speaking about time we'll have to go back to camp before David and Gwen worry." 

"Do you have to?" 

Harper looked at Violet giving her the puppy eyes. Violet hated when she did that. Harper hasn't really been with them and hung out with them ever since camp started. She, Lexi, and Sage haven't really been present since then.

"Yes. Maybe we can hang out later tonight when Luna's asleep?"

"That'll work for now," Harper said with a grin.

"Tomorrow it is then."

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