Chapter 7 Belief

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I couldn't tell but time was flying by. It was a day like no other. Today however I felt rather...odd. I woke up because of another nightmare about Nick. Why couldn't he just go away from my mind? I know I'm somewhat safe here and it's been like a few years now since I've run away from him. I took another glance at my scar again. It was permanent there and there was nothing I could do about it. Harper or my morality came as soon as I woke up.

"Luna it's like four in the morning. What happened?"

"Nick happened again..."

"This again. Ok, look at me. I want you to take a deep breath for me. Yeah like that there you go dear. Now listen. Your past doesn't defy you. So what he did is done and there's nothing you can do to change it. No matter how hard you try you can't simply... forget about it. It's like forgetting how to breathe. You can't. It's your future that matters, not some ex-father is going to hurt you now. Because look how far you came. You can't duck out now Luna."

"I really did grow huh."

"You sure did kiddo. Now go back to sleep before we get told to."

"Alright night."

I shut my eyes again as I tried to sleep. I slowly went back to sleep soon after.

~Arise child :)~

I woke up in time for breakfast and got dressed for the day. Violet soon woke up too as I started brushing my hair. It was messed up and it took a bit to even it out. I left it down as I placed my headband in with it. I put on my necklace and shoes before heading out to the mess hall for breakfast. It was pancakes and bacon so it wasn't too bad. I ate my fair share and gave the rest to Nikki since apparently, she likes leftovers. I didn't pay any mind to it. It's probably where she gets all that energy from anyway. I got out of there as soon as they found a box of what I'm guessing were grenades. They thought they were baseballs but they weren't. God this place needs to hide things better. I flinched as I heard glass breaking into the counselor's cabin.

"Oops sorry! Foul ball!" I heard someone say.

I sighed softly knowing that there's no hope in trying to get these people to listen. They're just going to find other things to mess with. A few minutes go by like seconds as Gwen drives off in the car and David and some other guy came out. He had similar hairstyles to him and wore all white. He was paler than David was so the difference between them was too obvious.

"Campers please go into the mess hall so we can address what is and isn't a baseball," David said trying not to sound mad.

We all met in the mess hall and David and the other guy came in. Hazel and Violet turned up soon after. Hazel's scales were well hidden and she wore gloves around people. Especially, people, she doesn't know about. After David's lesson, I couldn't help but feel watched. Maybe it was just me or my anxiety was kicking in.

"I don't like this..." Violet mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah neither do I. I don't know about you but, can sense another snake here."

"That concludes our lesson on what is and isn't a baseball. Any questions?"

Max and a few others raised their hands. Mostly wondering who the other person was and didn't care about what he just told us.

"Yes, Max?"

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Yeah, excellent question! Campbell campers I'd like you to give a warm welcome to our newest co-counselor Daniel."

"Howdy kiddos!"

I could tell I wasn't the only one glaring at him. Because everyone else was doing it too.

"Well howdy, Daniel." Space kid said seeming not affected at all by him.

"You've got to be shitting me," Max said.

"Woah, watch the language there little fella."

"Watch the language indeed."

"There's something not right about this," Violet mumbled again.

"I can deal with it once this is done with V'."

"No, I can stay. I-I'll be fine."

I snapped out of it as soon as David left.

"So, does anyone here have an interest in space?"

Of course, Space kid outed himself like always.

"That's wonderful!"

"Well, I do know a lot about space."

"Well did you know that all negative emotions actually come from space!"

I stifled down a laugh as he said that. Yeah like I'm going to believe that my dark sides come from space.

"There's no way that's true."

"Oh, you must be Luna right! Well, it actually is true. We might be pure at heart at birth but we're actually bathing in negativity every second."

Neil said something on the lines of the big bang and Daniel said something about Xemüg that I didn't quite get. Apparently, things like personal space didn't phase as he got into Neil's face making him nervous.

"Now, who else wants to help reach ascension?"

"Holy shit- I can't-" Violet said running out the door and she ducked out when no one was looking.

"Oh, my fuck. he's actually!-"

I followed them out grabbing Hazel before she could do anything stupid. I saw them banging on the door as he opened it.

"A cultist! You hired a fucking cultist, you idiot!" Max finished.

We tried to explain to him that he's a cult leader but he kept not seeing it! I saw Nikki slapping David before we lead him to the mess hall. Max kicked down the door and Daniel was there with some of the others. They all were in white like someone poured bleach onto their clothes. It was horrifying to see at first glance.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise! David, kids, welcome!"

"Welcome!" Space kid and Nurf said in unison.

"They're..." Hazel said shocked. "What did you do to them?"

"Well, maybe these two can show you! So you can stop worrying and start hurrying!" Daniel said with a thick grin that I knew was faked.

"Maybe I can see what this weirdo is up to. If things get rough I'll let you know."

"Hazel I-"

"Trust in my dear. I'll be back soon."


"Nurf why don't you show her the purification sauna?"

Hazel gave me a look of distrust before following Nurf out. I hope she'll be alright on her own.

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