Chapter 5 Service

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_Luna's POV_

"Yeah, it's charged. Do you need to call Jan?"

She nodded quickly as helped her up.

"Why does she call me that? It's not my fault I was just going by the lyrics."

"She'll get over it."

We walked back from the dirt path until I felt something slide on my leg. When I looked I found a black snake wrapped around my leg as it tightened its grip on me. I screamed as Hazel turned to me and saw the snake.

"Luna! Hold still I'm going to remove it from your leg."

"Get it off it hurts!" I said flailing my arms around.

"I know it does just relax!"

I could feel my own heartbeat out of my chest as she slowly bent down and unraveled it from my leg. It soon wrapped around her own arm and was about to bite her. It was until she hissed at it.

"See? Nothing to worry about. I think I'm gonna name it, Python."

"Why Python?"

"Because I can."

We stopped talking as we heard footsteps coming to us. It was David.

"What happened? I heard screaming! Is everything ok here?!"

"Now it is. Check out my new pet!"

"Is that a snake?"

"Yup! His name is Python!"

"Great... forgot you were a part snake."

"Wait what- how'd you know about that?"

"Lulu I bit a camper."

"What?! Who? Did you poison them?! I don't wanna be found for murder!" I said covering my face with my hands.

"Chill out, it was self-defense. What else am I supposed to do to let him rip these off as Nick did?"

"Yeah, wonder where he is now."

"Hopefully dead-"

"Alright let's go back to camp you two!"

As David brought us back to the campsite and told Hazel to let the snake go and she did. Surprisingly it went back to the forest instead of attacking the campers. As he walked away from us Nerris came by.

"Wow! That show was amazing you two!"

"Oh, thanks Nerris! Glad you liked it!" I spoke cheerfully.

"Hey, Violet?"

Hazel turned around to see Neil looking sheepish behind her.

"What is it?"

"I-I was just wondering how you change into different people."

I saw her put her hand on his shoulder gently.

"I don't have an honest answer for that. I guess practice?"

"Practice? I don't think I've seen anyone change into a different person before!"

"I guess it'll be your first and only then!" Hazel went to me and snuck my phone out of my pocket. "Borrowing this~"

"Haz- V'!"

Her name keeps on slipping out of my mouth! Why do I keep doing things like this? I don't even know.

_Hazel's POV_

I unlocked the phone and saw that I had no service. I guessed it was going to be near the counselor's cabin and I was right. I went to her contact list and found Thomas's and called it.


"Hey, Thomas? Can I speak to Janus?"

"Hazel? I thought you were back with Luna. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah I just wanted to talk with him that's all."

"Alright, I'll hand him the phone."

I heard shuffling in the background and then it stopped.

"Hey, child what's up?"

"Nothing much really. I do need your advice."

"On what exactly?"

"How do I keep myself from losing control of myself?"

"Okay, be honest with me. What did you do?"

"I might've hurt a camper here..."

"What? Why would you do something like that kid?"

"Because...he was about to hurt me. One thing leads to another and I hurt him."

"Are you both ok?"

"We're fine now. But I don't wanna do it  again."

I hear him sigh softly on the other line.

"I'm sorry Jan. I just didn't know what to do."

"I know dear just take a deep breath. Relax yourself mentality. Just because he deserves it doesn't mean you should've done it. Promise me that you'll sink out next time."


"You know you remind me a lot like Thomas when he was younger. Young but yet you both make mistakes. Really that's the beauty of it all."

"I see. Sorry again for bugging you. I have to go now talk to you later."

"I won't be speaking to you then my little snake."

I hung up the phone and went back to the area and found them at a bonfire.

_Luna's POV_

I saw her walk away as I was bombarded with questions about the show. I mean it was just a show after all. I saw Preston jealously showing through. Oh god did the show piss him off or something? I went over to talk to him as he threw one of the props down causing me to jump at the sudden action.

"Preston? Are you doing ok there?"

"I don't get it? How come when I do a show they hate it. But when you do one they like it!"

"I know you're mad but it was mostly Haz- I mean Violet's doing."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"No, I just- well you see- Look, maybe the reason they don't like it is that it doesn't have something that drags their attention. Your plays are amazing Preston but maybe you need to experiment a bit with it. It's all about learning what they like. Maybe make them laugh about something stupid you know."

"Maybe you're right Luna. Maybe we can just try something new with our strengths."

"How about tomorrow you and I can go to the lake to figure out a script to write. It's Saturday tomorrow right?"

"Yes indeed. Thank you again for saving the show tonight."

"Well of course. That's what friends are for after all!"

I smelled pine tree smoke from the distance. They must've finally got it lit.

"By the way how's your foot doing?"

"It's better now. I knew it was a bad idea to have that Platypus be in tripping distance."

"Why did space kid have that thing on there?"

"No idea."

I helped him up from the stairs and we went over the bonfire and sat down at one of the benches that circles around it. We sat in different spots. I sat by Nerris while he went by Neil and Harrison. Soon enough I found Hazel coming over and sat by me handing me my phone.

"You know Luna it's not so bad here."

"Yeah, I guess not."

I looked up at the stars again. It was getting late. I saw those stars were just perfect here. Reminded me of home. I hope the others are doing well. Because I am...

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