Chapter 15 Worn Out

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_Third POV_

No one noticed Skylar and Luna were gone until after Gwen danced with Jeremy. Pike man's move on Luna went almost unnoticed. He didn't know why she was freaked out. On the other hand, before him was a much more dangerous person that used to be in her life but isn't anymore. Now still roams free out of prison. He felt bad but hid it whenever he called his troop over to see if they have done the job and they did. He gave them the merit badges and nodded like nothing was wrong. The wood scouts were the first to leave Pikeman secretly hoping to find Luna and apologize to her for his actions. But he didn't see her and left for the night. The flower scouts were about to leave until Tabii spoke up.

"Um, Sasha? We're Skylar?"

"I don't know. Erin?"

"I think I might've seen her leaving with Luna. She didn't look so good."

David overheard the conversation and came up to them with worry.

"Who's missing now?"

"Skylar. We have to get back to camp."

"I see. I'll see if I can find her for ya. Just stay here. Gwen, you're in charge."

Gwen shrugged her shoulders in response as she told the campers who attended Camp Campbell to help clean up the mess hall. David however came outside and started looking. He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard heavy sobbing coming from the other side of the mess hall. Closer to the counselor's cabin. He came closer and found them on the side wood hugging one another. Luna holding onto her significant other for dear life.

"I-I can't. They w-won't stop... Why- why'd he do that? H-he's just l-like Nick...I didn't do anything. I told him to stop, w-why didn't he-"

"Hun. It's ok. He's gone now. He away from you now. It's ok. You know things like that are bound to happen. And you know what. It's not your fault. He needs to learn to keep it in his pants and respect others. I bet he was just desperate out of everything."


"No buts. I promise I won't let anything else hurt you, Star. Unfortunately, we'll need to prepare for things like that. Didn't you have Hazel, Raven, or your knife?"

"T-They didn't come out and my blade is in my tent."


"Y-yeah. I'm sorry."

He heard the other sigh as she pulled Luna into her embrace.

"You shouldn't apologize for something that wasn't your fault. Everything will be ok."

"If you say so.." She said snuggling into the other's warmth.

David finally came out of his hiding spot slowly revealing himself.

"Is everything alright here you two?"


"What happened?"

Skylar wanted to explain but it wasn't her place to tell. All she saw was Luna and Pikeman in a weird position. She protected her at the right time. If she wasn't there who knows what could've happened. 

"I would love to explain it to you, but it's not my place to tell. All I did was protect her sir." She said taking her hair down out of the messy ponytail that it was in with one hand. "Nothing more, nothing less."

Skylar sighed softly as the wind blew her air to the side. She looked at the once broken girl in her arms. She fell asleep. Probably due to the emotions that escalated at the moment. She smiled fondly at the sight, her passing out in her arms wasn't the first. It was her getting upset and letting her comfort her that was new.

"You really do care for her don't you," David said warmly sitting next to her.

"Yeah. Especially after school. Heh, I remember kissing her in front of my parents after the dance and on the last day of school. My father wanted me to choose a camp for the summer and I wanted to go here. Sadly my mom was being a jerk and said that the flower scouts would make me more ladylike. All it's done is realize how dangerous the world is and just how stupid the expectations are for everything and everyone. Especially tonight. Besides this, it's been fun. Sorry, I must've been rambling again I tend to do that."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. Was it true that you wanted to come here? For what course?"

"Honestly. I don't know. I've always wanted to do a bit of everything. Just for fun. I'm not saying the flower scouts are bad though they're just difficult and they make no sense half of the time. I'm not fit to be like them. I'll never know what."


"I'm ok with that. No one's going to be perfect. And I shouldn't have to burden myself by trying to be something I'm not."

David proud of her realization grinned and tilted his head lightly to the side.

"You know you're really smart Skylar! And you're right you shouldn't change yourself for anyone. You should do whatever is comfortable for you to do. I'm glad you realized that tonight. Remember you're always welcome to visit here if things are getting rough."

"Really?" David shakes his head in acknowledgment. "Thanks, I guess."

"Whatever happened tonight I promise I'll try to keep a better eye on everyone! I'm glad you two are ok."

"Yeah, so am I."

Skylar looked down at her partner one last time to make sure she was asleep. Thankfully she was. Skylar picked her up bridal style and stood up.

"I'd probably have to put her in her tent now. Thanks for the chat, David."

"Anytime." He spoke with a grin.

Skylar made a left and left the spot leaving David there to think about it. Let all that she said sink in. But all he could think about was how she wanted to go there that year. He couldn't tell if she was being serious about that. Skylar made it back to the tent and put Luna on it. She pecked her on the cheek and left back to the mess hall. Soon enough she left also hoping that Luna wouldn't remember what happened. She was glad that she saved her while she could.

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