Chapter 16 Makes Sense

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After that, the campers at Camp Campbell went to their tents to sleep. David however helped Gwen pick up after the eventful night.

"So did you find them?"

"I did. I do have one question though. Was Pikeman acting strange around Luna recently?"

"Believe so. She was hanging out with him over there in that corner leaning against the wall earlier. Before she disappeared somewhere with Skylar."

David thought about that response and kept on glancing at the corner trying to make sense of it all. It had a shadow lurking above it making it harder to see campers by there unless the lights were on. He suddenly put two and two together and...

"OH MY GOSH GWEN! It all makes sense now!" He said with his eyes widened.

Gwen jumped at his voice as she turned to him her expression confused.

"What is it?"

"Pikeman was trying to get with Luna. Holy shit-"

David's statement surprised Gwen since she never really saw the man swear like that. Usually, it was her that was. She dropped her mop and looked at him.

"And you're telling Max to watch his language." She said crossing her arms.

"I apologize but there was no other way to describe it! She could've gotten hurt or worse if it wasn't for Skylar!"

"You're not saying-"

"Yeah, while I was trying to get some more activities you saw them in the corner right?"

"Yeah. Then when the slow dance was over Pikeman was the only one there and Skylar disappeared. Do you think he might've done something to her? She left her cup over there but I picked it up already."

"Yeah. Erin said something about her not looking so good. When I found them I heard her crying in Skylar's arms. Saying something about 'He's just like Nick' whoever that is."

"We'll need to talk to her and everyone else about respect tomorrow if that's the case."

"I'll speak to Luna tomorrow if she's up for it."

"If not just give her some space she'll need it after whatever happened. I'm going into town need anything?" She said putting a bag of trash by the door for QM to pick up later.

"No, I'm covered for tonight thanks, Gwen."

David was thoughtful that night not being able to shake the theory out of him. Maybe he was right. And maybe she just got upset about something. He didn't know. Once he got the last of it he went back to the cabin they shared and went to bed.

_Luna's POV_

The next morning I didn't see Violet or Hazel. What I did see was the twins messing with each other. I had a small headache but it wasn't bad. Last night I was more than just scared. I was angry. He knew I was with somebody. But he didn't care. He just did it! It gave me flashbacks and I broke. Why can't I be stronger than just a coward!

"Guys. Am I weak?"

Raven shot me a look and so did Lexi.

"Depends. On the daily or what happened last night?"

"Raven. You're not helping. Of course not dear. Last night was just-"

"What an accident?! Lexi that dick knew what he was doing! So don't tell me he didn't know!" Raven shouted abruptly. "Just because I put the thought of cheating with her in Luna's head doesn't mean I meant it!"

"Would you stop arguing! You two like that go at each other's throats! God, what are you animals?"

Once I spat that out they were left speechless.

"I- I didn't mean it like that Luna. But I guess I should leave. Just saying you're the strongest person I know."

"Thanks, Lex, I'm sorry you two. I should probably head over for breakfast."

"You do that then."

As soon as Lexi replied she left along with Raven following her. Luna sighed as she changed into some jeans and whatever else I could find. I put on my necklace and the ring. I brushed my hair and left it down for once. Soon enough I walked out of my tent and went to the mess hall. I made sure I had my pocket knife on me and I did. I got breakfast and sat next to Preston.

"Hey what's up Pres,"

"Nothing much. You remember your part for tomorrow's play right?"

"Of course I do. I might need to rehearse some of it but I'm good for tomorrow."


I grinned trying to feel something other than what I was feeling then. In all honesty, I was confused. I'll have to rehearse and try to numb the feeling off. That's going to work right?

"Good morning campers!" David said walking in with his usual grin.

I finished up my food and threw the trash away.

"Oh, Luna! I need to speak to you about something outside."

Shit. All I could do was just follow him so I wouldn't make a scene. Once we were out there he shut the mess hall door probably hoping to not come back for it to be a hot mess. Not like it already was, to begin with.

"What is it?"

"Well, it's about last night. Did anything happen that you're not telling me?"

"I-'s difficult to explain. Even I don't understand what happened."

"It's ok. You can tell me. But only if you're comfortable with it."

"Well. Last night you know where that corner was. Where the light barely touches half the time. We were there when he tried to make a move on me. I got scared and gave me that same scowl like somebody that I used to know. I tried to tell him to stop but h-he wouldn't. W-when Skylar came over and took me out of there I broke down. After that, I woke up in my tent. Now all I can think about was the bad memories. They won't stop David. Why can't they just stop? I don't understand anything anymore. I'm just...just. Lost. Ok."

"Lost? That's an odd way to describe it. But I guess it fits. Is there something I can do about it so it won't happen again?"

"Just, please keep a better eye on him. I don't want things to get weird or worse."

"I'll do what I can kiddo."

As he managed a grin I smiled back. He hasn't really called me kiddo much. It reminded me too much of Patton. I wonder how they're doing. Hopefully good. We went back inside and he called a meeting to discuss respect which took around ten minutes or so. The rest of the day we just did our own thing.

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