Chapter 2 Replacement

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(Basically what Hazel looks like without the scales)

Violet took a break and took a nap on her bed-like structure. I stayed up spacing out into my world. Until someone came into the tent.

"Hey, I apologize for intruding but I heard that one of you is in theatre camp yes?"

"Fuck off princess it's the summer." Violet groaned snuggling in the blanket she wrapped around herself.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry about her it's been a long drive for her and if I remember correctly dad signed me up for theatre. Why is there something wrong kid?"

I saw his eyes light up with excitement like Roman's whenever dad gets a good script.

"No! Nothing at all! This is perfect! I'm in theatre too!"

"Sweet, what does this have to do with me?"

"Oh sorry! My name is Preston Goodplay! I'm excited to have another person interested in the arts of acting!" He said introducing himself.

"Lexi stop pretending to be something you're not. That's Hazel's job." Violet groaned snuggling into the blanket some more.

"Who's Lexi-"

"Let's go outside, she's too far gone.."

He nodded and we went back outside of the tent.

"Isn't she going to come to dinner?"

"She'll be fine. In the meantime wanna rehearse some lines or something?"

"Really?! You're willing to do that with me?"

I nodded and he dragged me to his station and we began to rehearse his re-write of Romeo and Juliet together.

_Third POV_

Max being Max got suspicious of Luna and her 'sibling' as soon as they got there. So he decided to go have Nikki go by their tent to see if any weird things going on around them.

"Alright, Nikki do you remember the plan?"

"Go by the tent while one of them is away and see if anything suspicious is happening."

"Good! And what happens if you get caught?"

"Say that I was looking for the platypus."

"Great! Now go over there while I distract David!" Max said with a mischievous grin.

Nikki ran off and found the new camper's tent. She eavesdropped on the following conversation.

"Look I get it Sage, but why me?! Out of anyone of us! Even Jenni would've been perfect."

"Would you like me to give you reasons why none of us is up to it but you?"

"Geez, that would be helpful."

"Alright fine. For starters, I'm too formal and get angry easily. Hazel has her scale problem and her mask and gloves could make her overheat. Jenni breaks down too easily and will turn to violent tendencies meaning that Luna will pass out from emotional exhaustion. Raven will burn down the camp or make herself the rat queen. Lastly Lexi- Well you know how spiteful she gets. In conclusion, you're the only one that can do this job."

Nikki heard the person in there laugh. It was a sad one too.

"Are you serious!? I represent-"

"Now, now Violet. I understand your frustration but please don't out yourself like that."

"Like I was saying. I represent you know what to her and you know what that means right? I can't even think straight!? How am I any use to this?!"

"Because Thomas and the rest of us trust you to protect her like you always do! That is why you're important just like the rest of us. Am I clear?"

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