Chapter 6 My Flower

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A week goes by and it was fine. Violet came back and Hazel never left surprisingly. I'm guessing she and Nerris became friends. I sat up in my tent after another restless sleep. I felt like something is going to happen. I didn't know what exactly but I knew something wasn't right. So I wanted to find out for myself. I knew some rival camps were coming over here today so I decided to see what the commotion was about. There I this wasn't right. Was it really?



We ran over to each other and hugged each other tightly hoping to never let go.

"Ew, get away from her she's a dirty Camp Campbell camper!" Some girl with pink hair said.

"Fuck off Sasha she's mine."

That's my girlfriend. She really hasn't changed much. Frankly, I'm glad about that.

"What? Did you say to me, Skylar?"

"You heard her." I hissed.

"Are you betraying us right now after all we did for you?"

"You literally just insulted my girlfriend. Two, you did nothing for me except give all the dirty work to me. Oh, hey Neil nice to see you again."

I saw Neil wave back as she let go of me.

"Wait a minute, did you just say girlfriend?" Neil said to us.

"Yes? Do you have a problem with it?" Skylar said giving him a death glare.

"No, I'm just wondering how you even know each other."

"We go to the same school together. It's weird how we're at the same place. How's it like being a flower scout?"

"Stressful. You?"

"This camp is full of chaotic adventures mostly."


"I wouldn't say that but it's alright here."

"Yeah, wanna go to the lake after all this?"

"Really?! Sure!"

"Great see you then!"


We had fun winning the challenge. Skylar having the exact same idea. Both of us just sat out most of the time. Until she was needed for the boating activity.

"Luna? What are you doing here you're supposed to be helping the group out so we won't become wood scouts!"

"I know David. Just give me a minute to enjoy nature."

"Wait you finally like nature!"

"'s just perfect out here you know." I lied.

"Alright. Just stay close."


I didn't notice before but I was staring out at Skylar the whole time. I could care less about nature. When everything was said and done I began to walk back to my tent. I went inside and laid down on my bed.

"Well, this is just great. You finally get to see her again."

"I never knew she was a flower scout Hazel!"

"Doesn't mean you should love her any less!"

"I know Harper, you're right."

"Aren't you going to meet her at the lake sweetie?"

"Oh, shit you're right!" I said jumping out of my bed.

I got up quickly as I grabbed my pocket knife just in case something happens and shoved it into my back pocket. I went out of my tent and headed to the dock. There I saw her leaning against a tree

"Hey, Skylar! I'm here!"


I chuckled slightly as she pecked me on the cheek.

"I never knew you were a flower scout babe."

"My mom signed me up this year. Don't know why I guess she wants me to act more ladylike. Like they're going to help me do that."

"I think you're fine just the way you are."

"Of course you think that you're my girlfriend. My mom just has a different opinion than you."


We got off the dock and just started walking through the forest. We didn't know where we were going or what time it was. It almost didn't even matter anymore. I was just glad someone I knew was here.

"Hey wanna hang out at spooky island? In that mansion maybe."

"I won't suggest it. Let's just say there's where Q.M likes to...let loose?"

"Oh, why there?"

"Don't know what he does. He just does whatever. But if you wanna be morally traumatized be my guest."

"Heh, yeah I could only imagine. Do you remember the dance?"

"You mean the one where you kissed me in front of your parents? Of course, I do!" I said with a grin.

"You're never going to believe this but Addi has gotten over Nate and is now dating some guy she refused to tell us who exactly. While Brody and Jackson finally got together."

"Wait what?! How'd you know all that!"

"Turns out the Flower scouts have hot spots for badges. So that's how I could get to see the messages."

"And you're over here calling me the lucky one!"

"Well, both of our camps have their perks."

I could hear her sigh softly as the breeze hits us. It was late. Maybe even too late. We heard the bushes shake as steps were coming to us. They weren't human ones.

"What's that?!"

"Skylar, get behind me."

She opened her mouth to say something but then did as it took out my pocket knife. I scraped off the paint and spray-painted it black. I didn't know why but I did. As the steps got closer the further we backed away. It soon came out of the bushes. I heard Skylar scream as she hid behind me. It was the platypus. I scoffed as I put my knife away.

"It's ok it's just the platypus that we keep for no reason. It's already at something so we're fine as long as we don't mess with it."


"It's about time we leave anyway. Do you want me to show you to your camp?"

"No, you don't have to."

"I insist. There are bears and shit out there that might get us."

"But what are you going to do once I'm gone?"

"Walk back with Hazel probably."


I held her hand as our fingers intertwined with each other. We both went back to the trail and she started leading me to the flower scout part of it. It was around ten minutes before we even made it there. Once we did she kissed once more as she handed me something in the process. I missed her and I can tell she feels the same.

"Here. Take this so you can stay updated on what's happening. It's my first one and it doesn't have any use to me since the place has Wi-fi."

"Oh, thanks, Skylar. I appreciate it!"

"See you again soon love."

"Yeah, see you later."

We hugged each other as we split ways. I looked at the badge that she gave to me. It was a purple tulip. She knew what I liked that's for sure. I ran back to camp so I wouldn't run into anything. All I could think about now is how Skylar was my flower to worry about. At least it was worth it in the end.

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